Incentive For Linux Users To Upgrade

I noticed there has already been a recent post requesting DSSI support. -> [Done 2.6] Linux Dssi Support

However, I have a slightly different take on it:

My license will be expiring soon and I started to think, would it even be worth paying to upgrade? Now that I have been running Linux for over a year, ASIO is irrelevant because of Linux’s native low latency. And it is easy enough to record with JACK, that the only limitation of the demo version would the the nag screen.

I suggest to the developers: Add an incentive for Linux users like me who may be considering not upgrading. DSSI support for the registered version. With the DSSI-vst wrapper, this would allow full Windows vst support inside of native Linux Renoise, which would be excellent for obvious reasons. (Instead of all this workaround nonsense using fst or a dssi host and JACK)

This would benefit everyone for 2 obvious reasons:

Linux users benefit - Getting a streamlined way to use Windows vst’s inside Renoise
Renoise developers benefit - Linux users considering not upgrading will be more likely to upgrade

Feedback and opinions are welcome

Have wondered whether Jack should really be registered only on Linux as it does allow you to port audio in and out but then realise it is the only way you can work with most of the softsynths so wouldn’t work.

I am assuming there is no way to have Jack input connections but output limited to ALSA? So that you could still use stand alone synths etc but couldn’t capture the output (or obviously record anything coming in) without a licence?

Would seem weird to give DSSI effect support with the demo but not synth. Also seems weird to have such big differences between demo limitations on different platforms (although ASIO already is obviously Windows only.)

Although Linux users are probably by far the minority. Have to say not sure on this idea…

the thing with jack is certainly a perk, it also works with OS X, all this is kind of unspoken though.

Dedicated linux user and registered version owner talking here -

I think lacking a clean jack support in the demo is a bad idea. Musicians from the Free Software environment are used to the modularity made possible by Jack. No jack support means that you can’t try to insert renoise in your usual working environment. From my personal experience, I’m not sure I would have bought renoise if the demo didn’t have jack support.

Plus, if the goal is to make it impossible to record from renoise’s output, bad news: add the following lines to your ~/.asoundrc file and you will be able to plug an alsa program into jack. ;)

pcm.jackplug {  
 type plug  
 slave { pcm "jack" }  
pcm.jack {  
 type jack  
 playback_ports {  
 0 alsa_pcm:playback_1  
 1 alsa_pcm:playback_2  
 capture_ports {  
 0 alsa_pcm:capture_1  
 1 alsa_pcm:capture_2  

Remember: in the end, protections always get broken. The only thing they do is piss off legitimate users.

Better start doubling up on my condoms then!

As I said it wouldn’t work as need to be using Jack to use any of the other use audio bits with Renoise and you’re right in how Linux is based more around a system-wide modular-type environment.

Just rendering seems very little though, and is VERY easy to work around. I have suggested the possibility of track of plug-in limitations (as in number of Normal/Send tracks or DSPs that can be loaded at a time) but the Devs seemed happy enough with how it is and go with a pretty open Demo and rely on people’s decency to pay should they use the software enough or in a way to warrant it.

From what I understand, the Linux version is deliberately “more liberal” than Windows and OSX versions; to keep in the spirit with the way things are on Linux.

The incentive should be like that donate button you probably ignore on all the other free software you use. :)

As a Mac and Linux user and registered owner, I think the thing for the developers to remember is if you make a great product and sell at a fair price, ppl will buy. (In theory…) For you users out there who enjoy the product who haven’t registered, think about the naggy, limited-functionality of a lot of software you hate and avoid because of the limitations added by the devs. Additionally, think about Renoise going away… do you like the program and use it enough to drop a pretty paltry sum of $ to avoid the possibility of it vanishing into the ether? I’m not saying Renoise is going anywhere, I’ve just seen some pretty great apps die off because the dev(s) had to get jobs to support themselves. My stance is, if you can afford it, support it. After all, what else r u gonna buy, hookers?



p.s. nice forum. :)

Fedora+CCRMA user here. Just having a pro-grade sequencer/tracker on the Linux platform was incentive enough for me to register, especially considering all of the great possibilities in using it in conjunction with JACK and its routing capabilities.

That said, DSSI support would most definitely be icing on the cake. Hell, I can’t wait for the native OSC support (I absolutely love TouchOSC).

I just noticed in the 2.6 info that Linux version will have DSSI support… Which is awesome. And unfortunately, my license expired at 2.5.2… Which means you guys added the 1 feature that will actually make me save up to upgrade :lol: