Installing CDP8 on linux

I’m just install linux mint on an old Thinkpad and would like to install CDP8 on this machine. I’m following the Renoise CDP Tool, Installation Guide, The Renoise CDP Tool : An Installation Guide For Linux Users | Renoise and at the part of going in the dev folder, to load the script. I don’t see this script in the dev folder, only a bunch of folders.

How do I proceed?

blur            combine    filter    houskeep  newinclude  pv       sfutils     strange
cdp2k           distort    focus     include   newsfsys    pview    sndinfo     stretch
cdparams        editsf     formants  misc      pagrab      pvxio2   spec        submix
cdparams_other  env        grain     modify    paview      repitch  specinfo    synth
cdparse         extend     hfperm    morph     pitch       science  standalone  tabedit
CMakeLists.txt  externals  hilite    new       pitchinfo   sfsys    standnew    texture

I have asked the archlinux-proaudio team to package CDP on Arch Linux below, but for several reasons, including the portaudio library, it has not yet worked out.
I don’t know if this will help you directly, but it might be a good idea to follow up.

try pressing “CRTL + H” in your file manager :slight_smile:

there’s no hidden files in top level of dev

I managed to install portaudio in the first part. Maybe I can continue on installing with your package and see if it works? Did you managed to install this on linux? Is there also a link to CDP 7, then maybe with that I can go through guide to get this install.

I have not tried to install it, but you can try.
Packaging has another unique problem, but apart from that, it would help me too if I knew how to build it as a user.
I have asked for packaging to a kind project that might be willing to work on it, because I am convinced that this CDP tool is definitely a good one from the whole history of electronic music, including the academic component.

Apparently there is a nix flake for CDP8, which might be useful as is or as a guideline for installing or creating a package.

Note, I haven’t tried this.

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Not really familiar with CDP8, otherwise I would help.

err… what do I do with this? Nix flake?

Yes I totally agree. I tried this on the mac and really want to dive deeper into CDP. I really enjoyed electroacoustic music by Trevor Wishart and others. Back then CDP was not free and now it is.

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I spoke with the kind contributor who is doing the packaging and about that link. Apparently it was at least a hint. The time may be near when it will be packaged. Thanks for letting me know.

Nix is a package manager that provides isolated build and dependency environments for software.

You can either

  • use nix itself to install software using flakes without worrying about dependencies or build steps
  • or read the flake.nix file that has the commands that are being run when building and figure out what you need to run manually on your own system