Instrument Volume vs. Modulation Volume

Hi, how do I build Instruments so that the Instrument Volume doesn’t get wrecked by an AHDSR envelope in the Modulation?

when i enable the AHDSR device, it kicks the volume up a notch, but it really shouldn’t. all i wanted was an envelope for the current volume. not “boost the volume by enabling a device”.

what am i doing wrong, please?

The ‘Input’ slider, left of the AHDSR, affects the Volume of the ‘Waveform’; helpful for
controlling the maximum volume of the ‘Attack’ phase when using AHDSR instead of Envelope.

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well, yes, but i don’t want to change the input slider. i want the ahdsr to follow the instrument volume, which is 0.0dB, not increase it because i enable the AHDSR.
is the math somehow wrong? should it not be + after Input?

The + adds volume
The * is your magic sign…


thank you! much appreciated!! :slight_smile:

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