I got an idea. I hope I did not just miss an already existing feature.
It would be super useful if you could “suppress” an instrument. That means that it will still be here with all it’s settings, but it will be disabled, unloaded from RAM and not being executed at all.
Why is that useful? Typical usecase:
- I got few instruments that are heavy on resources (mostly RAM, sometimes even CPU)
- I render the track to a sample
- I don’t need the VST loaded anymore, so I suppress it and it frees my resources to use more instruments
- I want to change the track a bit, so I activate the instrument, the plugin loads again, I make the changes and then render and disable it again.
This means it should delete the plugin from RAM, keep all it’s setting and probably replace it with some “dummy instrument”, so all the automation could be still connected to it (having no effect).
You will get:
- possibility to work with bigger projects with lots of high quality eg orchestral instruments
- ability to work on worse machines
- faster loading of projects!
What do you think?