Still have problems to really balance the eq-ing and also getting rid of ugly resonances. This preview was too fat somehow, but the final is too thin?
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Hey thanks man, I’d really appreciate that. Any ideas for improvements or critics?
Currently using Synthmaster a lot, but still fiddling around with it. E.g. quality rendering settings completely change the output sound, that’s puzzling me completely. Synthmaster is so much fun to play with, comes very close to a Korg workstation (which is my absolute favorite from synth conception view, Radias is a dream). For example it has the same, or even more drive options, pre-filter, after-filter and even inside-filter, so pre-voice distortion. Pre-filter distortion is absolutely incredible for sound design imo. bla bla.
Around 0:50 in particular the 80s sound is spot-on. Very well done.
As far as criticism goes there’s something in 1:49~2:15 sounds like it’s off the beat and it throws me off a bit. It’s kind of an occasional “blorp…blorp blorp” and it’s a bit distracting from the work the guitar is doing. Edit: There were also a couple of the blorps at 0:41. Maybe they just need to be shorter? I can’t say exactly why I find them distracting.
Some little bugger for me: You seem to be using some slap bass sample a lot…well this is cool for 80s stuff…I guess you’re using it in a lp-filtered version partially to sim some non-slappy bass? The dig is: when pitching a high slap note down a lot, the attack gets longer and longer, and the attack has little fundamental action going on but just hi freq “wakk” stuff. The result seems to be a bass that gives impression of being delayed, off beat or whatever. Maybe this is what mattd meant? Maybe try to grab some slap sample of actually a very low note, or use a pluck instead of slap sample for the filtered ver and low notes could yield better groove?
The prob was for me here that the original tune always plays bass at the same moment as the kick. Like Rnb or so. This only worked good there since the original bass sounds extremely thin. So I do hard volume side chaining the 80s bass, because otherwise it has too much pressure. I will try to limit the side chained bass now to limit the peaks.
Ah ok it’s ducking then, not a weak attack of a bass sample. I’ve just thought because I’ve had a similliar problem once upon a time. Hm, yep it’s hard to combine a punchy kick with a solid bass on the same beat without robbing each other’s power. Sometimes it’s better to rob the kick off it’s prolonged rumble below the bass note significantly and shorten it, to make it sound together like “boommmm” instead of “Bopw–mmmmm”.