I would like to know if it is possible to load an entire audio into Renoise on multiple patterns in order to add some instruments…
Thank you.
I would like to know if it is possible to load an entire audio into Renoise on multiple patterns in order to add some instruments…
Thank you.
Not sure what you mean.
You can load an audio track (e.g stereo wav or flac) into an instrument slot (thereby making it a new instrument).
You can then play that wav from a pattern. (E.g. note C-4 would trigger playing of the sample).
Be sure to set “Autoseek” on the instrument.
Depending on the length of the audio file and the size of your patterns the playback might cover multiple patterns.
Just be sure you set the BPM of the song to match that of the loaded audio file.
Thank you for your answer, I would mean if it is possible to an entire song into renoise as I could make a remix…
Yes. Once you’ve loaded the source song wav into an instrument you can use the sample editor to add slice marks, making it easier to trigger different sections of the source material.
The different slices would then correspond to different keyboard notes.
Handy way to extend or loop sections of the source material.
All right,
I see I will try, Thank you for this answer.
I would mean if it is possible to an entire song into renoise as I could make a remix…
Like Neurogami said, don’t forget to enable “autoseek”. My favorite feature in all of Renoise
And since you say remix - if you’re planning to slice it up, be sure to check this tool:
I have tried all your tips and they’re work ! Thank you !
Auto-seek is superb !