Is it possible to transpose a slice?

at the moment, when im using breaks and want to do a snare roll with descending or ascending pitches, i have to copy the slice into a new instrument so that i can play it across the keyboard. is it possible to pitch a slice up/down without creating a new instrument?

You can use a pitch macro, you can also Uxx/Dxx commands, or even phrases. There’s many workarounds but you can’t afaik directly transpose your slices using note commands (like you would with a one-shot)


@eight_trax if you hit up the Paketti GitHub and use the “Paketti Multiple PitchBend Loader” script within it, you’ll be able to use pitchbend (and automate it too in the automation) to pitchbend the slices. and it’s wild if you have the BeatSyncLines set to = true.

Let me know how you get on!

ah Uxx/Dxx, like an instant slide, makes sense!! and i guess its time for to investigate macros :smiley:

ooh im going to give this a try this afternoon!

You can always destructively render your slices, then rework the key zones for slices that you want to have a larger pitch range on.

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Pitched snare rolls?


Fastest way.

Yeah but then you get the glide. If you want instantaneous pitch transposition you can also use ZK01 to change the tick rate in a second effect column in addition to uxx/dxx, but this might fuck up some other stuff, namely modulation, but it often works fine. I don’t work with breaks a ton, but if I want a pitch range for a snare roll, I usually destructively render


I guess most people who make breakcore in Renoise tend to separate the Snare as a one-shot! I’ve seen a ton of people doing this. I personally don’t enjoy doing this very much, I like the glide :grin:

Edit: I’m actually separating the snare nowadays lol Easier to pick the pitch I want


To each their own! :grin:

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I honestly don’t hear any noticeable glide when I use those commands to pitch shift slices. If that was the case I probably wouldn’t be using them because I don’t want my slices to glide up or down whenever I pitch shift them.

Example: Pitching slices up and down.

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BPM and LPB will affect how noticeable the glides are. If it works for you and the way you work, cool.

If you want zero glide, uxx/dxx are not the best choice in many situations as the glide is quite noticable

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Yeah, that’s why I said “noticeable”. But I’m presuming what OP wants to achieve and I shouldn’t do that lol, I should’ve clarified the nature of the Uxx/Dxx commands. For 0 glide I think pitch macros the way to go if there’s pitch shifts everywhere. If one is just trying to pitch shift a snare or a kick, etc, then consolidating the slice would probably be the easiest way.

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Yeah I forgot to add in Breakcore it’s usually 16 to 32 LPB, which make the slides a lot more “transparent”.

I’d imagine at 32 lbp you don’t hear much glide at all :slight_smile:
I generally work at 16 LPB and even at higher tempos (180+++) I still hear the glide. Sometimes it’s fine, but sometimes I want that clean attack

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thanks for all the replies! i gave these tips a try and they’re all total mind fucks for me :crazy_face:

the pitch macro showed some potential but i had trouble controlling it the way i wanted. with that being said i’m a renoise beginner and i havent gotten too deep into the other features beyond sampling and sequencing so it’s a bit overwhelming. i think i can see why people just make another instrument.

for reference, the type of roll i’m referring to (timestamped):

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:face_with_monocle: i saw that somehow and appreciated it! :boom:

Is there documentation for all this. I just installed but renoise 2 days ago still baby. What do I do with all those tools?

hi @subrez
let me try and break this down…

so… Paketti is one of the tools available for Renoise - which adds features to Renoise that aren’t there in the default Renoise install.

One such feature, is a method of loading samples, so that they get automatically modified to user settings.

Meaning, when you use the Paketti PitchBend Multiple Sample Loader shortcut or menu entry - it does this:
It reads your settings in the Paketti Preferences, which looks like (for this area of Paketti features) this:

so you have control over which interpolation the sample has, is it a oneshot, is it autoseek, does it have autofade, what does the new note actions do, cut sample or keep it playing, and what the default loopmode is, forward, backward, pingpong or off. and also what the oversampling is, on or off.

it also lets you configure whether you want an ADSR envelope there by default or not, or if you want there to be a loop release/exit mode - meaning, if you for instance have PingPong loop, and you send a Note OFF in the pattern editor, then it’ll start playing the sample backwards until it gets to the beginning of the sample, and it stops playing.

autofade adds a small fade-in to the start of the sample, to make sure the sample doesn’t click, if the sample doesn’t start from exact silence.
autoseek means that when you have the sample playing somewhere, and you start playback much after where the note was input, then the sample will start playing from that point. meaning, if you have loaded a drumloop, and you start playback of pattern at say row 16, then maybe a snare will play instead of the bassdrum.

sample interpolation and oversampling will change how grainy or clear the sample plays at. NNA will say that when you play a note, does it stop the previous note, or does it continue playing until the end.

this kind of stuff.

but there’s also more. when you use that specific Paketti PitchBend Multiple Sample Loader feature - it lets you load multiple samples into new instruments, and each instrument will come pre-configured with these settings:

meaning that you can immediately start playing the sample you loaded, and modifying the cutoff, resonance, cutoff lfo amp, cutoff lfo freq, overdrive, parallel compression, glide inertia, and the pitchbend (glide inertia changes how fast the pitchbend reacts, so you can do really wonky pitchbends if you like).

this means, that you can start automating the instrument pitchbend immediately from automation.
it looks like this:

so what i’m saying is that after you use the Paketti PitchBend Multiple Sample Loader - or Paketti PitchBend Drumkit Loader, you can immediately start automating the pitchbends or cutoff or resonance or the rest of it, and it’ll have effect on the sound, without you having to, yourself, configure the sample modulation details within the instrument.

think of it as “default settings for the sample / drumkit you load”.

does that help?


Oh, very cool. I will try this.

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