I want to buy a license for Renoise, I just don´t know if it´s better than other daws like Reaper for making techno and house music.
Try the demo. It’s not a question of if it’s better, it’s a question of if it’s better for you. Only you can tell if you enjoy working in renoise. I can say that for me, renoise is the most fun daw I’ve tried, and has its own host of pros and cons. You get to decide if it’s the kind of tradeoff you enjoy
Ive tried basically all DAWs - i currently have licences for/installed - Renoise, Reaper and Bitwig, for me, I keep coming back to Renoise. I make 4/4 music, house, techno etc. It works very well indeed.
Personally I clearly say YES IT IS: A tracker was made for creating electronic music easily and fast. There’s no way to create electronic dance music in the same amount of speed like in Renoise or any other tracker. And if you’re also planning to produce or to include breakbeat stuff by using loops, absolutely nothing beats a tracker. If you’re used to piano rolls you might prefer common DAWs, but if you’re just getting started or if you’re up for another workflow it can’t get any better. And Renoise is pretty cheap compared to other DAWs.
It depends if you are already comfortable with trackers (and hexadecimal) or not.
Mr.Zensphere is spot on.
In addition, it’s not so much the DAW, it’s what you do with it.
is used some trackers before
ok I tried it and I love Renoise, it´s so good daw I can´t even describe how good and fast it is
Welcome to the good life