It took 12 years, but I'm back!

I recently got fed up with the daily grind and decided I needed a creative outlet, so I came back to Renoise. I can’t believe it’s been 12 years since I was last active here! Even though back then I could have said I understood Renoise pretty well, 12 years, many trips around the world, far too many concussions, and it is now like some alien software that is almost intimidating to try to learn again. I don’t even have my MIDI gear anymore and now they use mostly USB or hookups I’ve never even heard of before. How’s the community doing?


I bet you ll be up and running very soon.Good to have you back

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Its great! and welcome back! just one thing though,whatever you do,do not mention piano rolls round here,some people are very sensitive about this sort of thing,I’m sure you will understand. :+1:


we’ve gotta compromise, meet halfway and get a horizontal tracker!

Let.s see>>> 12 years would be about when Renoise 2.8.0 was out. Nothing wrong with that, makes just as good music as any other version… Less to learn too…

What.s this about piano roll? Just remember they promised it over 20 years ago read carefully-

More insight here-

Though tracker is plenty efficient the combo piano roller/tracker quite rules especially if designed well like Aodix or Dreamstation II as the piano roll assists the tracker. The .hack job. addon piano rollers often don;t do the job likr Psycle or BUZE…

But Aodix is great…

Dreamstation II is right up there too-

BTW aodix went open source several years ago & there is a new fork by Vanjac that solves most all former issues plus it has an actual WAV render now no having to mess with RAW… I gotta thread over at KVR…

Anyway good to have any tracker guy back…NICE!!!

Odd that GIF didn’t take

The community right now is a bit infected with weird guys begging for pianoroll and screaching like they apparently used to behave in order to get what they want even thought they have been clearly told this is not going to happen ever.

I can only admire mods patience

Welcome back, I only had one painful moment when Renoise changed commands from 09xx to 0Sxx and so on. Other than that it has been developed very smoothly.

One can only hope. I feel like an amnesiac trying to relearn things that I knew I once could do.

I can kind of see why people want pianoroll but at the same time it’s basically just a tracker turned on its side. I originally came from Cubase before Renoise so I abandoned all that ease-of-visualization for the increased flexibility that Renoise offered at the time.

The thing I can’t wrap my head around is having patterns in the instruments. I remember any time I needed more control of a track I’d just increase the LPB. I can see the reason for the instrument patterns but it’ll take a while to get my head around it. I also don’t remember the modulation tab in the instruments being there before, but I spent the better part of last night trying with some success to do subtractive synthesis so that was cool. If I remember correctly, the last time I used Renoise, effects chains had recently been added to instruments but I may be wrong.

Lucky for me that I don’t remember any of the commands anymore then.

Apparently 12 years is long enough to forget even music theory if you’re no longer in the scene at all so I guess I’m starting at square one.

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