JUceOPL vst not showing up.

Greets everyone,

Mostly I’m a sample guy, but recently I’ve been messing around with some chiptune style vsts. While I have a huge sample library, I’d like to generate some sample sets from a few OPL oriented emulators to it.

This one: https://bsutherland.github.io/JuceOPLVSTi/ won’t show up in Renoise. No clue why. It’s a manual installation so it’s pretty simple. I’ve tried both the 32 and 64 bit versions.

I was wondering if someone else might give it a go? I’m on Win 7 Home 65-bit running Renoise 3.1.

Gone for the week on business, so if you post, be a few days until I can post back.

Thanks in advance.

Just a thought… That VST looks to me as though the developer has linked against Visual C++ 2015 dynamic runtime libraries? So I’d try installing ->


Just to see if that helps any :slight_smile:

Just a thought… That VST looks to me as though the developer has linked against Visual C++ 2015 dynamic runtime libraries? So I’d try installing →


Just to see if that helps any :slight_smile:

Thanks for the quick response 4Tey! And you nailed it, I needed those particular VC++ libs. A quick install and bang! there it is. :slight_smile: Got to run a few presets though it and it’s got a really nice sound. Super low CPU usage as well.

Now, I’ll have to wait until I get back off the road before I can play with it some more. ;(

Cheers and thanks again.