Kinda of expired this one, but look on the bright side: If somebody downs this, installs it, LOVES it and sees the 1.5 AND the low price. Might be nice advertising this.
۲____۲_____________۲_____________۲_ܲ__________________ܱ ߲
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________ _ ________ __ __ ܲ _ ܲ __ ________ ________
_ __ _____________ ________ ޱ۲___۲_߲__۲_______ _____________ __ _
__ ____ ۲ ߲_ __ ߲_ __ __ ߲__ ____ __
____ [Renoise v1.0 WORKING] __ܲ
۲ _____________________________________________________________________ __
__ Supplier : PDX-TEAM Release Date : 08.2002 __
۲ Cracker : PDX-TEAM Protection : N/A __
۲ Packager : PDX-TEAM Num # Disks : 01 * 2,78MB __
۲ System : [] Win9X/ME [] WinXP Requirements : 586 CPU, +64MB Ram __
____ [] WinNT [] Linux >20MB Hd-Space __߲
__ ____ [] Win2k [] ___ __
_______ __ ______________Release notes:߲ __ _________
___________ ___ […] ___ ߲
_ _۲ _______ _
_ ۱߱ ۱߱ _
ܱ ۱
_ ۰ Renoise (ex. Noisetrekker), professional music tracker and __ _
_ ۰ composing tool. Renoise is integrated software with many __ _
_ ۰ features. It is the most complete utility in tracker world. __ _
_ ۰ __ _
_ ۰ Format support: __ _
_ ۰ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __ _
_ ۰ You can import popular file formats like XM (Fast Tracker 2 __ _
_ ۰ module), XI (Fast Tracker 2 instrument), WAV or AIF samples, MOD __ _
_ ۰ files (4-channel modules). Finish those songs you couldn’t __ _
_ ۰ because you lacked tracks/effects/speed. Renoise has also own __ _
_ ۰ (native) file format and instrument format. And you can import __ _
_ ۰ songs from our previous tracker - Noisetrekker 3.22 (based on __ _
_ ۰ Noisetrekker 2.0 by Arguru). __ _
_ ۰ __ _
_ ۰ Brief list of features: __ _
_ ۰ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __ _
_ ۰ *Easy to use user interface, all-in-one, customizable and user __ _
_ ۰ friendly (uses DirectX for fastest response time) __ _
_ ۰ *Easy to use arranger (sequencer) and song editor (tracker __ _
_ ۰ style) __ _
_ ۰ *FastTracker2 - like keyboard shortcuts (and similar GUI) __ _
_ ۰ *Integrated sampler and high quality mixer __ _
_ ۰ *Integrated sample editor with full sample editing capabilities __ _
_ ۰ *Full MIDI support (MIDI playback synchronized with audio __ _
_ ۰ latency and can be additionally synchronized manually if __ _
_ ۰ necessary) __ _
_ ۰ *Full synchronization via MIDI clock as master or slave to __ _
_ ۰ external programs (eg. Cubase, etc.) or hardware that is able __ _
_ ۰ to receive or send MIDI clock (eg. drum machines, external __ _
_ ۰ sequencer, etc.) __ _
_ ۰ *ASIO multi I/O cards support (for very low latency) with the __ _
_ ۰ ability to route tracks to hardware channels __ _
_ ۰ *High quality player (internal 32-bit float point processing, __ _
_ ۰ interpolated, click free) __ _
_ ۰ *Real-time DSP engine with high quality effects (reverb, __ _
_ ۰ echo/delay, compressor, distorsion, flanger, phaser, EQ…) __ _
_ ۰ *Build-in visualization (Stereo Scopes, Track Scopes, Spectrum __ _
_ ۰ Analyzer) __ _
_ ۰ *Integrated support for VST Plug-Ins 2.0 (this means even more __ _
_ ۰ effects and sound processors) __ _
_ ۰ *Integrated support for VSTi (VST instruments 2.0 - you can use __ _
_ ۰ many great software synths from Renoise now) __ _
_ ۰ *Unlimited number of effects per track and high speed effects __ _
_ ۰ processing __ _
_ ۰ *Popular formats support (songs/modules/instruments/samples) __ _
_ ۰ *Automation of effects via track and instrument envelopes. No __ _
_ ۰ need to type or remember effect numbers. __ _
_ ۰ *Sampler supports: samples, multisampled samples (multilayered __ _
_ ۰ sample splits), loop samples (loops) __ _
_ ۰ *Use sounds all at once: Sampler + VSTi + MIDI audio (as one __ _
_ ۰ instrument) __ _
_ ۰ *Runs on all 32-bit Windows with DirectX 8.0 installed (Windows __ _
_ ۰ 95-98-Me-NT-2000-XP) __ _
_ ۱ܱ____ ۱ܱ _
_ ۲ ߲ _
_______ __ _______________Install notes:________߲ __ _______
___________ ___ […] ___ ___________
_ _۲ _______ _
_ ۱߱ ۱߱ _
ܱ ۱
_ ۰ Unzip, unrar, run Setup.exe __ _
_ ۲ ߲__ _
_______ __ ____________________Greets:__________߲ __ _______
___________ ___ […] ___ ___________
_ _۲ _______ _
_ ۱߱ .CoolPHat tEAM. ۱߱ _
_ ۱ __ _
_ ۰ __ _
______ __ __________________Contact:___________߲ __ ______
___________ ___ […] ___ ___________
_ _۲ _______ _
_ ۱߱ ۱߱ _
ܱ Sorry, you can’t contact us atm! ۱
____ Don’t call us, we call you ____
_ ۱ܱ__________________________________________________________________۱ܱ_ _
_ _____۲ __ header & layout: CoaXCable / CoolPHat tEAM __ _______ _
_ __ _۲ ___ ۲ __ _۲ ___ ۲ _
_ _۲_߰ ߲ _۲_߰ ߲ _
______________ [NFO TEXT UPDATE WAS MADE ON: 12/16/2001] ______________