Key Triggered Envelopes

I’m not shure if this is a well known trick, probably everyone knows this and use it all the time in secrecy just to annoy noobs with their skillz, but i’ve been a noob for 9 years and i just found it out and got very exited about it…and a little bit pissed i didn’t know about this earlier. :panic:
I thought you had to use pattern commands or automations to do these sorts of things, but this is so simple and solid.
I’m sorry if this is just a repost, but i couldn’t locate it in the 114 search hits i so carefully lie about having read through. :ph34r:

The trick is to use the init preset, set the key tracker from C-4 to B-4, connect it to an LFO’s reset value. Now you can draw any custom envelope and it will trigger every time a note plays and control whatever you want. :yeah:

I have done this in all of these tracks, quite basic function in the first two tracks and a bit more advanced in the next two, where the envelope goes through a hydra controlling several DSP’s:


Now that i finally know the answer to everyting i’m becoming 1337. B)

But seriously, is this an obvious feature of the key tracker? I mean, the velocity device works similarily, but it depends on velocity information while this trick works the same at any velocity, something i haven’t been able to do with the velocity tracker.

sure why not .
You could use the velocity device too if you want ,

Well how? I didn’t think of this way to use the key tracker before now.

Like i said the velocity device responds to velocity, so it can’t be used in this fashion unless i’m missing something?

At key on a velocity and a note value will be sent so either can be used to engage the reset. But, you can just leave the key tracker as it is and add a velocity tracker and attach that velocity tracker instead to the same lfo’s frequency and have an envelope that changes according to how hard/soft the velocity is.

IT’s not what i’m talking about, the velocity tracker needs to know the velocity data to reset an LFO, the method with the key tracker don’t need any data input except that a note is playing. I don’t have to turn off an instrument to reset the LFO.
It’s not like i didn’t know the velocity tracker and key trackers could control an LFO, but what i didn’t know is that i could make the key tracker reset the LFO completely on every key, i thought it just produced a different value on each note depending on its set note range and dest. settings, making the LFO not reset completely, but land on different parts of the enelope on each key.

I can’t see how this is an obvious use of the key tracker, i still can’t understand why it behaves like this, but i like it.
And if you say you can reproduce this function (no velocity data) with the velocity device then please show me an xrns.

Oh, I thought you just meant… sorry, man.

(But, anyway, I think if you set the dest. min and max both to 0 in the vel. tracker, it always lands at the beginning. I generally use the vel. tracker as lfo trigger and don’t remember running into problems if there is any value in vol. column or not… Try that, easier than download. Is that the behavior you mean?.)

So, my understanding is… set the min and max both to 0 in the vel. or key tracker to make the lfo always jump to the beginning. Or set to whatever specific jump point by setting both to same value or set them different to chose a derived range . Assuming ‘clamped’ forces all notes to act as if they are c-4/b-4 or whatever you set so by doing this you can achieve a predictable control point(s) (key tracker acts as if these/this key(s) always received). I Suppose you can do it either way but the way I stumbled upon it was what seemed like the simple way to me.

Assume also that renoise sends a default velocity/volume if there is anything nothing in the vol. column because kind of has to?

Ah, you’re right, it works the same setting max and min to 0. It’s definately a more logical way to set it up than my example, but i have actually never thought of any of these ways to use the key tracker before.
My mother always told me i’m smart, but i’m not so shure, i kinda feel stupid. :clownstep:

Now i don’t have to manually plot in a pattern command to reset the LFOs and i could do the modulation envelopes in the dsp chain of an instrument and not just in the modulation pane. :)

That’s for confirming because I was kind of wondering if I was doing it right. Looked for detailed simple language explanation myself before but was left scratching my head a little. Manual is good but sometimes I’m not used to the terminology or sometimes it assumes a bit that the reader already knows more than maybe I do? Also, still not 100% on clamp, soft, octave thing. Wish someone would give me the low down for dummies…

Octave setting cycles through the whole range from min. to max. in every octave. Let’s say you have a full range c-0 to b-9, then every C will output the min. value and every b would output the max. value.

Clamp and soft is the same except soft makes the transition from one note to another go a little bit smoother, kind of like a portamento. :rolleyes:

Bear in mind that i don’t always know what i’m talking about though, i learn new things all the time and i’ll probably soon discover that it’s possible to track in Renoise as well. :lol:

Haha, i warned ya i don’t know what i’m talking about. :badteeth:

I’d say that is a pretty accurate description of the Octave mode. Haven’t found a good use for it yet, though

Sticking The Bellows explanation next to the one from the manual, think I get it now.