Hi Renoisers,
I would like to know if there is a keyboard shortcut for loading a plugin from the plugin list rather than using the mouse for this particular activity.
I can use Ctrl+TAB to cycle focus from pattern editor to Instrument list and press Shift+Alt+N to display the Instrument Properties view or visit the instruments page by pressing Alt+E from pattern editor or F3/F4 as per my configs. However even if I focus Alt+LMB click to the plugin pane, I still cannot press any key to focus on the Plugin list box on the left on from the Instrument Properties view. I can use the TAB key once I click the combo box and the menu drops down in order to search or use the up and down arrow keys to choose a plugin.
Can’t I skip the mouse totally and use some shortcut to focus on the plugin list and invoke them via arrow keys or the search pane directly?
This breaks my concentration and effectively forces me to use the mouse.
In other hardware like MPC, you can load plugins via button clicks and dial wheel and no mouse required. I would love that one little functionality in Renoise.