Hi! My kurzweil k2500 workstation is full of presets. It has 999. Factory presets are from 1 to 199, user presets are from 200 to 999. So, how can I use them in renoise? I want just sequencing on 16track, each track has 1 instrument on diff midi ch, overal 16 instrument.
In his chain kurzweil is the midikeyboard for renoise and renoise sends back the midi messages to kurzweil soundgenerator. That way I can(could) record and playback too. I dont want use vst, sample, efx, just tracking. I just cant believe, that I cannot do it with renoise. I use trackers from '97, so I cant change to sequncers, because they are very unconvenient.
At midi-instrument window(bottom, left corner) the bank select is not working, I cannot accept my presets above 128, sometimes its just 99. When I said, ok, I have only 128 preset, fine, use just them, if I make intstruments on diff midi channels, with dif. program change messages, its a chaos at playback. I dont get it. In the 21st century, when every main synth workstation has thousands of presets, its just that big stuff to have normal midi implementation?
My k2500 and midi is 100%. There is midi send/receive, everything works in Reaper, Sonar, midi record, program change, etc., so this is not my synth’s fault.
I cannot work in sequencers, I have to see up-down and I have to see the notes, not just lines with colors, I used to this method.
So, please if anyone can help, do it THX
ps. first I made this topic in general discussions, please delete it from there, thx