Larynx Numero Trois

Moss, What about a gift for the winner?

To the winner, i will send 4 pairs of soiled panties.
To the runners up, i will send One Snotty Tissue…each.

No but seriously, i dont know yet. I guess i could chuck out a few more of my comics for the top 3 places. Still havent sent anacrucix his one yet tho! KEEP FORGETTING! IM SORRYYYYY!
If your reading this guy, i will…it is gona come. i promise.


Shit, I forgot this… I’ll try to make it before the 5th.

My song is finish to 75%. It should be listenable tomorow at (mid)night.

Solyon, bless you. This time, we didnt even get to a second topic page!
I’m glad you’ve persevered though, and im looking forward to hearing it.
Wish i could have made one myself, i got a few lickle ideas but people always came home and i have nowhere to hide. :(
hate people sometimes

EDIT: this is on the second page :)

Sorry, I got admitted to a new school (sound design!) two weeks ago and it’s been one big homemoving circus here so my computer has been off for quite a while now. Maybe next time!

Well… I didn’t make music today. I’m a lazy bastard adected to TV and internet <_< But… I will finish it… soon ;)

Salright guys…i actually forgot about it :S
lets make the deadline flexible…i’ll race you lot to get the first in.

first in wins a Viz comic.