Led Tv Or Pc Screen

Looking for new screen. I just wonder, i took my laptop and put it throu hd cable into hd ready LCD LG 32 tv. Its kinda old screen compared to new ones, but it all looks realy nice, and run very smooth, no gliches of any kind or delays. And Renoise looks realy nice.

And now Led Full HD 32" are quite cheap, and quality is much better than even year ago.

I want some update how you look at this nowdays with such tv quality.

My Pros:

TV is much cheaper
Good Quality, Better specs then PC screen
LED twice cheaper.
I can watch regular TV, movies without pc.

32 sceen is bigger then 19 so power consuption, but still it much newer technology.

Resolution byt 1980:1080 is not as high as in 32" PC screen, but I was on 720p and it was realy nice.

What do you think?

ps. sry fast writing cleaning house :)

I have a 22 inch monitor doing 1980:1080 perfectly (it’s even a touchscreen), so if you can’t go any higher than that, 32 inch may only be a little more feasible to the eyes in terms of readability perhaps.
LED TV i believe is indeed very power hungry.

LED TV is not that power hungry. It actually takes a lot less than 17" CRT screen and a bit less than the “LCD” versions, with 32" TV’s the power consumption is around 50 - 70 watts.

As for the resolution. The tiny resolution of the “Full HD” is only good for monitors with up to 19" or so. Anything beyond and you’ll be staring at a huge amount of tiny squares.

I have 23" inch HD res monitor. It’s fine to watch movies on it or play games, but on desktop I still see quite large pixels around. If you have money, I would go for something higher res.

best result is an IPS-type led monitor but those are not cheap. i have a 27" led monitor from LG and this is really the max if you are sitting within a meter distance of your screen in a desklike situation. anything bigger and you are going to need to sit further away.

another thing about led is that the color whit is REALLY white. i didnt forsee this the first time that i opened an windows explorer window with it’s REALLY WHITE background. almost is an intrusion of your retina’s when you fullscreen the friggin explorer screen haha.

but i do love working with renoise in such a big screen. when opening fullscreen without the disk browser en the bottom bar you can almost fit a whole pattern in screen haha :P

on my laptop, i can fit an entire pattern on the screen as well, WITH disk browser + bottom bar. the pattern is 20 lines.