Lfo On Midi Mappings

I made a very simple tool to add a LFO on anything that can be mapped to MIDI in Renoise. (and other softwares)

The patcher is in a pretty primitive form, feel free to add the much needed additional controls over the output if you use max msp… I’ll probably update it myself if some of you want to use it. (I could have it sync on renoise bpm and stuff like that, a bit like Renoise’s already powerful LFO)

I’m open to suggestions.

Midi LFO patcher

If you don’t have max, you’ll need max runtime which is free:


There’s a download link for mac and for windows. Make sure you download Max Runtime unless you don’t mind downloading the 100mb demo of Max Msp Jitter.

If you’re on windows you’re gonna need Midi Yoke so Max can send midi messages to Renoise and you can select a device in Renoise preferences.

Midi Yoke Direct Download Link

How to use the patcher:

First open the .maxpat file with Max (or max runtime)
In the drop down menu Select Out to MIDI Yoke: 1 or on mac select something that look like “to Renoise 1”
In Renoise preferences you have to select "In from MIDI Yoke:1 or on mac I think you have to select “from Max/MSP 1”

Can someone confirm me how these look on mac?

Then open your MIDI Map window in Renoise find what you want to map (works better with elements which accepts more than on/off) like the bpm or be creative really… Then press the button in the max patcher.

The toggle box will turn the LFO on/off

The number box will change it’s speed, lower is faster because it’s the rate at which the messages are sent in ms (10 means 1 midi message every 10ms)

The next feature is obviously a way to sync this with Renoise’s BPM… which will need renoise to send a midi message to Max… which is leading me to my suggestion for 2.6 or something.

I’d like an option for Renoise to send a Midi message for each lines it’s playing. The only way I found so far was using a track with an instrument that is not playing sound and I send that midi note via Instrument Settings > Midi Properties > Devices.

Edit: if it doesn’t seem to work, make sure you correctly mapped your device in renoise with the button in my patcher, then save the .xrns, relaunch renoise and reload your .xrns and it should work. I think there’s a bug with mapping right now in beta3.