Linking To A Specific Line In The Api Docs

this is something i just noticed by reading a reply from taktik in another forum thread, so i’m posting it in case others have also missed it before :)

if we want (for reference purposes) to jump directly to a specific line in the official Renoise API docs, we can do that by placing an # character at the end of the link, followed by the line number

for example, in the Renoise.Application.API document, we find the information about the status bar,

just click on the line link at the left to get the full link to that specific location, like this (although this forum shortens down the link as it’s displayed here):…tion.API.lua#44

ok, now i know and this will come in handy for future messages in this subforum… :)

hey that’s pretty cool, and good to know, thanks! (and thanks to taktik as well of course)

Hi… It really helped (me, at least) to do a cat * >fullapi.txt in the folder where the documentation resides on your drive. I then made two aliases:
alias Sol=“pico Solution.txt”
alias sol=“cat Solution.txt | grep $1”


“sol maximize”  
-- "un-maximize" or "un-minimize" the window, or just bring it to front.[].devices[].is_maximized, _observable  

“sol is_visible”, _observable, _observable, _observable, _observable  

if something looks interesting, I can always Sol back to the full api and find it.

I know this is pretty OSX/Unix specific I guess, and the second OSX-specific thing I’d be very interested in is using Alfred (kind of like Quicksilver on steroids) to actually find a bit of text in the web api… Should be possible, but I’m not yet entirely sure how.

@esaruoho: yeah that stuff is indeed very useful if you are on OsX/Linux… i switch between Windows and Linux so might check this out.

The principle is the same on Windows, e.g. “search the docs.”

My text editor is Jedit. This is not an endorsement of said editor, just a fact. In said editor:

  • Right click on the the Documentation directory (the one with txt files only, don’t want HTML in this case)
  • Find “maximize” in all files.
  • Look at results.


i’m always online so i use the search trunk box at

mainly because then i sometimes stumble upon example code snippets as well…

This is indeed handy, but probably not something you can rely on 100% in the long-term. If the file you’re linking to changes a lot, or some code gets cleaned up and moved around, then you could be linking to something completely different. Probably not a big deal, but something to keep in mind.

good point dblue, i’ll take that into consideration

Hence why something like “get newest lua api documentation files” → “dump files to one file” → grep one file for matches just works. And of course that’s just the grep way, anyone else could just use find or wotever

yes, that’s a good suggestion

again, i also find the search button at to be useful in this regard since it always seem to search the latest docs

that, unfortunately, requires web access and it’s best not to get caught without the api documentation when offline.

true, sometimes the connection goes down for me and that’s annoying for sure

well, i tried to do what you did but for windows 7, went to command prompt and then printed all the docs to one single file

copy *.lua > api.txt