Linux: 64bit Renoise and 32bit plugins

I have Ubuntu 15.10 64bit, jackd2 64bit from KXStudio. When I running standalone 32bit plugins its working without problems. But when I’m running Renoise and it scan for plugins it hang on 32bit DSSI plugins. Is that normal?

I’ve never tried 32 bit DSSI plugins but I doubt hanging is normal. As a workaround, which plugins are you using which don’t have 64 bit versions? I thought most that kxstudio provides has 64 bit versions.

Maybe you have one plugin in particular which is causing a problem, depending on how many you have you could remove them all and scan with one added at a time to find the specific one that’s giving you the problem.

Now I’m searching 64bit versions of my plugins but this is not solution, is workaround. All 32bit versions of any plugins (ladspa, dssi, vst) causing problem. When Renoise scanner hangs on 32bit plugin I’m killiing process of scanner and Renoise continue starting (to next 32bit plugin).


Does this happen with the latest version of Renoise, 3.1, or are you using an older version?

Does running any other 32 applications on your Linux setup work? You could try starting the 32bit version of Renoise to test this.

Please also post your Renoise log or paste the last snippet of it which shows what happens when loading a bridged plugin. This may give us a few hints of what is going on. You’ll find the Renoise log at ~/.renoise/Log.txt

Renoise 3.1 is here. Any other 32bit applications works well. 32bit version of Renoise doesn’t work with 64bit jackd2 (no sound, no midi) so I must use 64bit only. Last log:

Version : Renoise V3.1.0 (Jan 9 2016)
Date : 2016-01-27
Time : 21:45:48
OS : Linux version 4.2.0-26-lowlatency (buildd@lcy01-30) (gcc version 5.2.1 20151010 (Ubuntu 5.2.1-22ubuntu2) ) #31-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Tue Jan 19 18:27:51 UTC 2016


CPU: Found 1 enabled unit(s) with 4 core(s) and 8 logical processor(s) per unit. 4 cores, 8 logical processors are enabled in total.

Application: Showing the splash window...

StartupWindow: Initialiting the startup window...

Graphport: Initialising XThreads...
Graphport: Opening XDisplay ':0' (configured via 'DISPLAY' env)...
Graphport: XDisplay was successfully opened
Graphport: Initializing Freeimage...

StartupWindow: using font '-misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--9-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1' for the splash screen
StartupWindow: Startup window successfully initialized...

Application: Initializing the API...

IPP: Detected CPU type: 0x4a

File-IO: Enabling MP3 decoding support using system mpg123 library...

ALSA: Enumerating Devices...
ALSA: PLAYBACK info: card 0: HDMI [HDA Intel HDMI], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
ALSA: PLAYBACK info: card 0: HDMI [HDA Intel HDMI], device 7: HDMI 1 [HDMI 1]
ALSA: PLAYBACK info: card 0: HDMI [HDA Intel HDMI], device 8: HDMI 2 [HDMI 2]
ALSA: PLAYBACK info: card 1: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 0: ALC892 Analog [ALC892 Analog]
ALSA: CAPTURE info: card 1: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 0: ALC892 Analog [ALC892 Analog]
ALSA: PLAYBACK info: card 1: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 1: ALC892 Digital [ALC892 Digital]

MIDI-IO: Starting the input thread...

GraphPort: Loading cursor images (libXcursor is present)...

System: Application path retrieved from /proc/self/exe: '/usr/local/bin/renoise-3.1.0'
System: Running from '/usr/local/bin'...

GraphPort: Initializing the Font Engine...
GraphPort: Enumerating system fonts...

Graphport: Initializing Keyboard mappings...
Graphport: Initializing XAtoms...

Application: Initializing Icon Bitmaps...
Application: Skipped high resolution icon image(s) (too less space for selection - cur: 159808, new: 524304, max: 262144)

Application: Start running...
Application: Loading the preferences...
Application: Init...

ScriptingTools: Initializing Scripting Tool: '/usr/local/share/renoise-3.1.0/Scripts/Tools/com.renoise.ToolUpdater.xrnx/'...
ScriptingTools: Initializing Scripting Tool: '/usr/local/share/renoise-3.1.0/Scripts/Tools/com.renoise.UpdateChecker.xrnx/'...

DspDevices: Registering native DSP effects...

Audio Plugins: Searching for VST plugins in '/home/qkiz/.vst/'
Audio Plugins: Searching for VST plugins in '/usr/lib/vst/'
Audio Plugins: Skipping VST plugin path '/usr/local/lib/vst/' (Directory does not exist)...

Audio Plugins: Skipping LADSPA plugin path '/home/qkiz/.ladspa/' (Directory does not exist)...
Audio Plugins: Skipping LADSPA plugin path '/usr/lib/ladspa/' (Directory does not exist)...
Audio Plugins: Skipping LADSPA plugin path '/usr/local/lib/ladspa/' (Directory does not exist)...
Audio Plugins: Skipping DSSI plugin path '/home/qkiz/.dssi/' (Directory does not exist)...
Audio Plugins: Searching for DSSI plugins in '/usr/lib/dssi/'
Audio Plugins: Skipping DSSI plugin path '/usr/local/lib/dssi/' (Directory does not exist)...

DSSI: Scanning '/usr/lib/dssi/'...
DSSI: Scanning '/usr/lib/dssi/'...
DSSI: Scanning '/usr/lib/dssi/'...
DSSI: Scanning '/usr/lib/dssi/'...
DSSI: Scanning '/usr/lib/dssi/'...

System: Application path retrieved from /proc/self/exe: '/usr/local/bin/renoise-3.1.0'

Jack: Trying to open client 'renoise'...
Jack: Sample rate: 44100
Jack: Using Buffersize 512...
Jack: Configuring the Player...
Jack: Successfully connected port 'system:capture_1' to port renoise:input_01_left
Jack: Successfully connected port 'system:capture_2' to port renoise:input_01_right
Jack: Successfully connected port 'system:playback_1' to port renoise:output_01_left
Jack: Successfully connected port 'system:playback_2' to port renoise:output_01_right
Jack: Up and running

JackTransport: Running as timebase master...

MIDI-IO: Adding unlinked virtual MIDI in ports...
MIDI-IO: Adding unlinked virtual MIDI out ports...
MIDI-IO: Enumerating external input devices...
MIDI-IO: Adding Input device 'Midi Through Port-0'...
MIDI-IO: Enumerating external output devices...
MIDI-IO: Adding Output device 'Midi Through Port-0'...

MIDI: Creating MIDI server...

MIDI-IO: Opening MIDI in device 'Renoise MIDI In Port A'...
MIDI-IO: Opening MIDI in device 'Renoise MIDI In Port B'...
MIDI-IO: Opening MIDI in device 'Renoise MIDI In Sync'...
MIDI-IO: Opening MIDI out device 'Renoise MIDI Out Sync'...

Application: Creating a new document...

MIDI: Loading MIDI actions from file '/usr/local/share/renoise-3.1.0/Scripts/GlobalMidiActions.lua'...

Osc: Loading OSC actions from file '/usr/local/share/renoise-3.1.0/Scripts/GlobalOscActions.lua'...

Player: Constructing...
Player: Creating slave threads...
Player: 8 threads enabled. 8 CPUs are available.
Player: Start running...

GUI: Creating the Document GUI...
GUI: Successfully constructed

Application: A new document was created.

GraphPort: Initializing in WindowedMode...
GraphPort: Successfully initialized

Application: Init OK

StartupWindow: Closing the window...

Application: Enter MainLoop...

RemoteAudioPlugin: Instantiating '/home/qkiz/.vst/Linux-Native-VST/'...
RemoteAudioPlugin: Creating pipes...
RemoteAudioPlugin: Launching plugin server process...

System: Executing '/usr/local/share/renoise-3.1.0/AudioPluginServer_x86 19197 /tmp/Renoise-0-19197/PipeMemory-0 RNS_PipeTrigger-19197-0 RNS_PipeWait-19197-0 /tmp/Renoise-0-19197/PipeMemory-1 RNS_PipeTrigger-19197-1 RNS_PipeWait-19197-1'

RemoteAudioPlugin: Connecting to the server...

at this point Renoise hangs. When I killAudioPluginServer_x86 process then application continue running:

RemoteAudioPlugin: Closing ''...
RemoteAudioPlugin: Stopping server thread...
RemoteAudioPlugin: Shutting down server process...
RemoteAudioPlugin: Disconnecting pipes...

Error Message: Internal Error: Failed to connect to the external audio plugin process (could not establish a connection to the server).

Audio Plugins: Failed to open plug VST: CreakBoxVST

Exception: Failed to initialize the plugin 'VST: bioroid: CreakBoxVST'.

Error Message: Failed to initialize the plugin 'VST: bioroid: CreakBoxVST'.

Thanks. Nothing fails here it seems, but something is deadlocking for whatever reason. Could you post the “~/.renoise plugin server/3.1.0/log.txt” too? This is the server’s log which Renoise connects to (well, tries to in your case).

This is whole log from plugins server (in attachment).

Seems to be the same problem as this one:
Libc’s “sem_post” crashes after the “sem_open” succeeded. Never could replicate this here and unfortunately also have no clue why this is happening.

Are you using Ubuntu’s standard kernel + standard settings, or have to applies some tweaks to optimize Ubuntu for audio?

Can anyone else replicate this on Ubuntu 15.10?

I’m using low latency kernel and my user belongs to audio group. That let me use realtime features. Jack server and tools from KXStudio.

Just got a similar problem. On my standard Kubuntu (without low latency kernel) I can load 32 bit plugins into my 64 bit renoise. On Ubuntu Studio I get an error when loading 32 bit plugins into 64 bit renoise:

Internal Error: Failed to connect to the external audio plugin process (could not establish a connection to the server).

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Thx for the link, I wasn’t aware of that! I now use Carla to load them.