I have downloaded the Redux demo version, copied the files in /usr/lib/lxvst/ which enables it to be loaded in Ardour. Redux’s VU meter activates when a sound is selecxted and a keyboard key is pressed, but there’s no sound. I have never used a plugin in Ardour that makes sound, only plugins that processes sound. I tried a few conenctions, but still no sound. How is it connected and, is the same connection sued for recording ?
OK, will try. I conencted to audio so far, and there is some kind of 360 degrees panning tool that is shown in Ardour’s track string for the Redux plugin. I disabled it, then pressed the record button for the track and ‘In’ to hear the Redux audio. In this way it is possible to hear Redux. It could be nice also not to have to press the record button and ‘In’ to hear it.
Edit: Using a MIDI track, Redux’s VU meter does not even show anything when the on-screen keyboard is pressed.
The easiest solution I found is to use the MIDI+Audio track type in Ardour 4.x. Create such a track, then add Redux. The audio will sound automatically. Then the track’s MIDI input can be assigned to an external keyboard usign the “Tracks and Busses” dialog box. I’m looking forward to explore more with Redux but, as I stated in another thread, the computer keyboard being non-functional stops any further work. Hopefully this bug will be fixed soon.