Linux: Jack Transport currently disabled (Renoise 3.4)

In new 3.4 Jack Transport is not available any more. Instead of the button there’s a text sayin
“Jack Transport: currently disabled”.

In 3.2.2 it still works.

Is there a setting I’m missing, is this on purpose or simply a bug?


just message,
jack works.

Jack works. but Jack Transport is not available. Jack Transport is needed to sync multiple apps together on the same timecode.

I confirm. Have not used it, but in 3.3.2 I can enable jack transport sync in the settings. In 3.4.1 there is the same message for me, with the same server running.

did you try to toggle sync in the toolbar to jack?


In Renoise 3.4 you’ll need to enabled Jack Sync in the Sync settings as shown above (It shows “Internal” above).
This is new because you can only sync to/with either Jack, or MIDI clock or Ableton Link.


this clears it up. I must have missed this since on linux Ableton Link does not make sense so I was probably skiping this information…

thank you!

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