Linux: JC303 VST3 Plugin does not load with corrects settings

I added the JC303 Plugin from here GitHub - midilab/jc303: A Free Roland TB-303 Plugin for Windows, MacOS and Linux: VST2, VST3, LV2, CLAP and AU. A Juce port of Open303 engine. on my track. when opening the project the bass sound on track 3 sounds extremely noisy (do not make loud!). When switching the additional controls off and on the sound goes back to normal and switch it again to on it’s still fine.


The track is here:
Acid02_001.xrns (194.3 KB)

Maybe that’s a plugin bug?

This is a bug in the plugin that happens when multiple instances of the plugin are involved. Loading it with only one audio CPU in Renoise will work fine, but that’s not a fix.

A quick look at their code shows that there’s at least one problem here. They are using static variables to initialize things in audio time - simultaneously:

You can’t use static variables in that context. This code can run asynchronously in audio time from multiple threads at the same time. So multiple plugin instances will be using the same temporary state at the same time. This will break sooner or later.

And I appreciate the time you spend writing such reports for Renoise, but please send them to the plugin developers first. If there’s a bug in Renoise, they’ll let us know and we’ll be happy to fix it. But we can’t do the support and debug all the thousands of plugins out there.

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Thanks, I’ll send a bug report to them with your info… And exchange the Plugin :smirk: