Hi Everyone. What would be the easiest way to list when tempo changes occur? Write an XRNS script?
Last night for example I wanted to do some guitar recording over a Renoise tune I put together… So I rendered my tune down to a WAV, loaded into Cubase. In order to match the bars in Cubase with the start of the patterns in the WAV, I manually went through the tine in Renoise and scribbled down the tempo changes, then I added them to the Tempo Track within Cubase. That worked well but it would be neat to run a script to produce a .txt file containing the sequence/pattern number and BPM change.
Has anyone done something like this already that they would like to share, please? If not I may have a look at that XRNS script that exports pattern data to text - I should be able to filter the output from that script (or modify that script) at a bare minimum.