I use a MIDI keyboard a lot - recording chords, solos, bass parts and drum tracks as well (especially since I’ve found sfz and some decent drumkit soundfonts). I would like to suggest a couple of features that would make MIDI recording easier and more useful in Renoise:
1. Latency compensation for MIDI notes (important!)
Whenever I record notes live in Renoise I find most of them placed earlier than they should. In my opinion, the cause of this is simple: output latency. Every pressed MIDI note gets recorded the moment it is sent from the keyboard. Due to the output latency, however, the actual sound response from a VSTi is delayed - so if the note is to sound when it should, the MIDI event has to be triggered a bit earlier.
When recording live I find myself playing notes in a way that sounds good with the rest of the song - which means that I press the keys a bit to early. Renoise records them in a pattern exactly when they are pressed, so some of them get placed a line too early. With ‘crowded’ tracks, like drum tracks, this leads to a mess, that gets even worse when using the ‘record delays’ function.
I think a solution to this would be to apply latency compensation to the recorded MIDI notes so that they are placed in the pattern when they sound instead of when they are pressed.
2. Groupping recorded MIDI notes in columns (for drum recording)
Since the introduction of column mutes, I think the most useful form of a drum track is when each type of drum sound gets it’s own column - base drum col1 / snare col2 / hihats col3 etc - so that parts of the drum track can be muted on the fly. Needless to say, I tend to organize the recorded drum tracks this way, but it involves lot’s of copy-pasting at present as notes are placed in columns randomly.
My suggestion is to have a ‘drum recording’ filter for recorded notes that would place notes of the same pitch in the same column. Preferably, the filter would operate on an off-line MIDI learn basis - before recording you open the filter config and assign MIDI notes to the columns by pressing them on a keyboard (or using the GUI). All the notes that don’t get assigned will be placed randomly in columns with no assigned notes. With loading/saving of presets, this filter would make drum recording ten times faster!
3. MIDI note sorting by pitch (for chords)
It would be great to have a ‘sort chords by note pitch’ MIDI recording filter, as it makes it easier to analyze and manipulate chords this way.
4. Quantisation (for all MIDI recording)
I have a feeling that this feature will become crucial when the increased resolution gets implemented. It would be great to have a ‘quantise on-the-fly’ recording filter and an ‘off-line quantise’ function as well.
Could any of those suggestions make it to the to-do list, please (for 1.3)?
Keep up the