'live' Pattern-change Behaviour

I’m so desperate for some sort of useful live pattern-switching functionality that it actually hurts. It actually hurts me. Pain! I’m surrounded by really cool MIDI controllers, knobs, sliders, transport blocks, midi-slaved visualisation sketches in Processing, live vocal DSP plugins, the very best sequencer/DAW in the world and…nothing to tie it all together.

Having Renoise in front of me in the studio and then having to gig live with Ableton is like…I dunno, like training to be an astronaut in a Shuttle simulator and then discovering that I have to go into space in a Trabant with a jet engine strapped to the roof.

But you’ve heard my woes and desperation far too much over the last three pages/6 months, and now I’m reduced to a pathetic sort of beggary ;) So, developers: can you give any clue as to whether this feature, or a feature like it, is being considered? I appreciate that you don’t like mentioning time-frames, or risking raising expectations that can’t be met, or any of the other good reasons for using discretion when discussing new versions/features, but I’d love to know whether I am (/we are) pissing in the wind, in hoping for this slight modification to replay behaviour.

And of course, I love Renoise no less. I still teach it at the University where I work; I still install the demo on all studio machines; I still recommend it to everyone I meet; I still do all of my non-Amiga/etc work in it…but I still can’t use it for a true live performance :)

patience :)

+1. This would be perfect for people with MIDI grooveboxes.

:dribble: please :dribble:

Kudos to you. Seriously. I love the way there’s someone who at least thinks there’s ‘another way’ to compose than just sequencing / using a piano roll. No one had even heard of a tracker when I was at uni, let alone used one, let alone taught using them.

Oh yeah +1 to the thread idea again (2nd time I’ve voted too ;)