Live Sequencing

I tried to make live sequencer this way:

-One beat in pattern in each track, pattern is just one beat long.
(For example 1.track: Kick 2.track: Snare 3.track: Hihat 4.track: any sound and so on.)

-Then 8 sequences each with this pattern.

-Then I can mute any position in each track in pattern sequence matrix so it works like step sequencer.

But when I’ve tried to map this for my controller (Edirol PCR-300) I’ve found one problem:

I’m missing CURRENT TRACK muting in Global Mappings > Seq. Muting > Seq. XX > in every ##
Global Mappings > Seq. Muting > Seq. XX [Set] > Seq. #01 > Current Track
Global Mappings > Seq. Muting > Seq. XX [Set] > Seq. #02 > Current Track
Global Mappings > Seq. Muting > Seq. XX [Set] > Seq. #03 > Current Track
Please add it there!!!

I wish to map the first row of buttons (8+1) on my controller to every track for selection and the second row of buttons (8+1) to mute selected track at the coresponding row in pattern sequence matrix. I understand it should work nice with controller like monome which has a matrix on itself so you can assign it exactly to Seq. #XX Mute Track #YY, but I have to change track selection at first, then use the same buttons (pads) for setting a beat positions I’d like to play.

I hope my explanation is clear enough not as my english and I think It’s very easy task to programmers.

As I’m absolutely new in forum I have to say I’m in love with renoise more than any other computer software becouse of it’s very nice and clear GUI and very logical archytecture of every component. There is nothing messy as in many other apps. Everything is on it’s right place, logic and functional.
Thanks for this cool stuff and best wishes to further development as to your lifes guys!

And thanks for the price - I’m going to buy it soon.

Holy crap! That’s a lot of fun! Thanks for the idea TMP!

Thanx for your reply dformd!

Here comes my next suggestion:

As I’m playing with this sequencer right now (just with middle button of my mouse muting patterns in matrix) and I have set some beats,
I selected all those sequencer rows (8) and chose Clear Muted Tracks from menu (or command G) then chose Join (or command J).
Very fast and now I have one “finished” sequence of drums.
This way you can jam and play a little before having one sequence of result, which you can left somewhere and work on another if you duplicated it before.

But problem is that when you delete muted tracks it sounds different becouse they aren’t changed by patterns starting with OFF note. So you have to put OFF at right position in every pattern (like every 4th line where there is not a beat set on) by hand.

Maybe this could be done with some LUA script extension in renoise 2.6.
Maybe all the process of duplication, replacing of muted patterns in tracks by OFF note starting patterns and joint into one new sequence as result.
Please write what you mean or if should make some video tutorial/example of this technique.

My tip is do a few tracks with some bass each with different note and you can play with simple bassline!

Hi TMP. :)
I don’t understand.
How does joining cleared tracks help you create a “finished” sequence of drums?
I also don’t understand what you’re getting at with your OFF note problem.
Could you maybe explain it another way, use a picture, or make a video?
I’d like to help you out with your problem, but it may be that:
a) what you’re trying to get across isn’t translating,
B) I’m just not experienced enough to understand,
c) both
Anyway, lets try to figure this out!

Hi dformd and everyone!!!

I don’t have any cool sound yet so I’ll try to explain it by words. :wacko:

I’m sorry cause I used wrong terms.

By joining sequences patterns with cleared muted tracks you’ll got just one sequence pattern of your loop. That’s all.
Before this every sequence pattern is like one step on sequencer so they’re very short and there are about 8 or 16 or how many you need of them to make your loop.
Once you have just one sequence pattern as result you can’t set beats on/off (mute/unmute) by mouse or controller.

When the slot (one step in a track) is muted then samples stop playing but when muted tracks = those slots are cleared, samples may continue to play until another beat or OFF.
That’s why it sounds different than in the “live sequencer” setup and why OFF must be inserted into places where there are no beats.

My controller is this one:

So I’d like to use the first row of pads for track selection and the second row for toggling each step (slot) in selected track.
That’s why I need
Global Mappings > Seq. Muting > Seq. XX [Set] > Seq. ### > Current Track !!!
in the menu list…
Now I’m thinking about doing a patch in pure data what should read midi messages from PCR and send another to renoise where I can map them to every slots in pattern matrix.
I believe this could be done in renoise 2.6 with LUA (haven’t tried it yet as I still use the demo of 2.5.1) although one more line in the list of 127 tracks in MIDI Mapping menu is much less pain for normal user.


In fact there is nothing new or special on the technique I’m talking about. I only played with one beat long patterns.

I just want to suggest a small midi mapping menu extension for even better midi control.

I’m still beginner and I’m exploring renoise since release 2.5.
I look around how it could be used for live session
so I’d like to thank to Hitori Tori for sharing his experiences.
His “electric acid jungle test” absolutely got me and thanks to this shit and wohle story about 2.5 release on
(yes, here it is
I am here and I am in love with renoise…
Looking forward to the future when there will be more possibilities for live playing besides all very well done details of this instrument. :)
I like also this stuff but as you can read on the blog of this man he had bought ableton few months ago:
(I tried ableton live but have to say I didn’t give it a lot of time as I like look and feeling of renoise much more)
Well, as I see development going on and whole comunity about renoise I’m sure its potential is growing and not only for those who make their awesome composition in studio and give us their final product.
I hope this is not spam or too much offtopic (still pointing on Seq. Muting of Current Track:))
If somebody else can write some experience “here” or told me about “there” let do it please!
I wish I can see some photos with renoise from some party anywhere!
(Now as an example I remember some chick is playing live, isn’t she? :))
I can imagine renoise also in hands of DJs doing live mixes one time… Autoseek is surely big step forward… Yeah!!!

(btw how does it all work and can be mapped and automated makes me :dribble: )