Livid Ohm64

Is a very cool controller!

Take a deep breath, and say it slowly:

Ok so in that vid it seems as tho he has several Renoise’s open… What’s going on here? =S

See this thread:

Especially this link from it:

Everybody and their cat knows the Livid controller is wicked! Nice to see them giving Renoise mention through their Blog, even though it is due to some awesome use by a very talented guy.

Are you saying there are better ways to show off a powerful tool other than by awesome use by a very talented guy?

Oh i get it!! SICK!!! On the wish list


So here’s been some hype about Hitori Tori using Ohm64 but does anyone else use it (or OHM RGB)?

I’d like to know if I could use it with Dublex and Live Dive to build up a live set-up?

It would be also interesting to know if anyone uses it with Traktor Pro 2 for DJ’ing? Seems like there’s pretty good support for that (mappings).

I’d like to know if I could use it with Dublex and Live Dive to build up a live set-up?

Live Dive, I think is Launchpad specific.

Duplex on the other hand, plays nicely with the Ohm. A dozen different “Duplex applications” can run on this controller.

Note however that Hitori is much more basic in his approach: he’s pretty much using build-in midi mappings in Renoise.

The Ohm 64 seems to be no longer made? (I didn’t even see one on eBay.) Is the Ohm RBG the closest thing to it that is in stores?

The Ohm 64 seems to be no longer made? (I didn’t even see one on eBay.) Is the Ohm RBG the closest thing to it that is in stores?

I’m fairly certain you can find it on Amazon easily, though expensive as all hell. And aren’t they pairing with bitwig?

I have an Ohm64, have used out-of-the-box mappings in Renoise, and it works well. I’ve also mapped it to Serato for djing – it worked well enough (if you’re into the cue-button madness), but I have turntables, so this was a short lived experiment :stuck_out_tongue:


I have a Ohm64 running on Renoise and I can not use the Function/ Transport Buttons to see different parts of the track. I can not see the buttons of the 8 x 8 grid illuminated at the same time of the track. Also I can not update the hardware, is not possible to enter in the Firmware Update Mode (bootloader). Please, Can you help me?.

Please, Anyone can help me?.

I also have a Ohm64 ( the classic , not the RGB). I’m not sure i can help you but i will make some test and see if i can do what you’re trying to.
