I don’t know if anybody already knew that it’s possible to load sfz as multisamples. I don’t exactly know since when this feature exists but I just tried to load a Piano sfz and the samples/keymap was imported flawlessly.
Just a hint.
I don’t know if anybody already knew that it’s possible to load sfz as multisamples. I don’t exactly know since when this feature exists but I just tried to load a Piano sfz and the samples/keymap was imported flawlessly.
Just a hint.
Since when is this? 3.3? 3.4?
3.1 - when Renoise was given the updates that were created for Redux.
Nice. Completely missed that.
Renoise is a swiss knife.
Also: https://freepats.zenvoid.org/
now I’m down the rabbit hole and have the hots for Marie Ork
who requires Alter/Ego free voice synth
Hey everyone,
I’m trying to load some sfz’s from pianobook but the samples have all some silence at the start and the instrument always plays them from the start so they don’t really work properly. do I need to manually cut all the silences at the beginning or is there something I’m missing?
an example is Spring Piano – pianobook
(I was previously using Salamander Grand Piano flawlesly - and still do)
I would recommend sfizz or sforzando because sfz, especially pianos sound better with it. In this specific case I would even recommend decentsampler, because that would make the piano sound the most real.