June 17, 2013, 12:54pm
Not sure if this belongs in here but since this community deals with samples i might as well ask…
I have got tons of samples from various sources, and for example Philharmonia Orchestra´s sound exchance contains tons of samples with lot´s of silent before and after a sample, so i am asking that is there a software that would cut silent parts automatically. Since it takes forever manually.
June 17, 2013, 3:38pm
Well, here are some tools that do some form of automatic silence removal:
Here four tools I wrote that add some functions to the sample editor. The code is largely inspired from Beatslaughter’s Mixer Utilities and from IT-Alien’s Add/Remove Silence tools, so many thanks to them!
Trim Silence will trim the silent parts at the beginning and/or the end of a sample. The start and end points are calculated using a simple threshold approach, nothing like transient detection, but you can specify different thresholds for start and end, add some fixed margin and make small f…
Adds the ability to either destructively remove silent parts of a sample (sounds that fall below a threshold), and the ability to add silence to the end or beginning of a sample. The latter can often be useful for FX processing. Shows up as ‘Add Silence…’ and ‘Remove Silence…’ in the Sample Editor’s ‘Process’ context menu.
visit its page .
I actually made this quite a lot of time ago but forgot to add it to the tools page [:)]
Someone might be able to improve them and allow them batch processing on multiple samples/instruments…
June 17, 2013, 4:41pm
The following tools have been disabled, because they are not compatible with this version of Renoise:
Please download the latest version of the tools from Renoise Tools | Renoise or contact the authors of the tools for assistance.
The following tools have been disabled, because they are not compatible with this version of Renoise:
Please download the latest version of the tools from Renoise Tools | Renoise or contact the authors of the tools for assistance.
June 17, 2013, 7:19pm
If you are on linux you can write a script which calls SoX program. I can’t tell you how to exactly do this but if I were you that would be where I would start looking.
June 18, 2013, 2:35am
Use sox in a simple shell command or a shell script.
something like…
mkdir newfiles
for file in *.wav; do
sox [options] "$file" "newfiles/$file"
for [options] i don’t remember in every detail, you’ll need to look at the manpage/documentation for (current) sox.
I do remember you can set the amount of dB under which signal is considered silence.
June 19, 2013, 9:31pm
Use sox in a simple shell command or a shell script.
something like…
mkdir newfiles
for file in *.wav; do
sox [options] "$file" "newfiles/$file"
for [options] i don’t remember in every detail, you’ll need to look at the manpage/documentation for (current) sox.
I do remember you can set the amount of dB under which signal is considered silence.
Looks like i am installing linux now… Thank you.
June 20, 2013, 10:12am
This is a very handy tip. i just tried it like this:
worked like a charm!