In getting into Renoise I am finding myself trying to reach out to some different styles outside my zone, which is mostly rock and alternative rock. I am looking for what I believe to be maybe ambient. I am digging at the moment “I am Robot and Proud”, “Hunz”, and “Xeres”. I’d like some suggestions for some similar stuff. I found those guys on the Artist’s page. I’m really a green horn with this stuff so maybe I need a definitive list sort of thing.
to get you started: check out the now listening to thread at this forum.
also, wikipedia is your friend! (srsly, those lists are probably the best thing with wikipedia… that and the categories)
May I suggest chr15m, to me it’s some of the best electronic music ever…
Coil. Tiny Golden Books.
If you want ambient, try Biosphere (Substrata is great)