Loop Point Automation

I feel like a complete nonce,
I thought this was real! XD

Here i am looking through the devices wondering How in the F are you doing this… Then the realization comes. :blush:/>

Trouble is, we can actually already do this right now. I forgot how to do it though, but it’s available through the OSC/MIDI subsystem.

IT-Alien wrote the main code for doing it, then me under a different name added to it. Though I’ve forgotten where all of this is posted.

All the source code for doing it is here somewhere in the forum. But I’m not sure how to get to it. I think it’s in this account: http://forum.renoise.com/index.php?/user/886-choice/
but it may be in this one: http://forum.renoise.com/index.php?/user/8106-moonriders/

Forum software isn’t letting me look through the posts.

really though, all that’s needed is someone with time and experience to write the plugin/addon dealy.

EDIT: oh yeah, the actual usage is for sample offset manipulation but it’ll work the same.

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