To me the 2 towers is a big disappointment. It’s a nice and entertaining movie in itself, but since I have read the book there’s some things that I think are a shame (though other might think otherwise).
First of all, Saruman seems to be wanting to destroy all humans (???, unless I missed something I didn’t think genocide was in the book. I thought Saruman just wanted to rule (whether it be humans/orcs/elves/rodents/cockroaches doesn’t matter)).
Second, there’s a scene where Saruman talks to the people of dunland and tells them the people of Rohan are evil and yare yare… ok true, but where in the movie are they seen again? Maybe they have some part in movie #3, but in the book they’re in the assault of Helm’s deep.
Third, why are the elves in Helm’s deep… Ok I understand for moviepurposes you’re limited to a certain number of characters thus Haldir is brought on the scene again. But still… (no biggie)
4; Why do wargs look more like Hyena’s than wolves? At least, maybe on 2nd look they don’t, but it seemed to me they did.
#5; Strangely enough Rohan is just a very very small country of a few hundred people and therefor all of their people go to Helm’s deep (there’s other strongholds).
7, Faramir is a man of different character than in the book. In the book he’s a good, fair, honest man with no lust for power. In the movie however he’s just like Boromir and trying to take the ring to Minas Tirith. I guess this is to emphasize the fact that they are brothers. Still brothers can be very different in nature.
6 Rohan looks very hilly. I imagined it to be more flat… guess there isn’t much of that in New zealand
The ents are cool, but again the story is changed. The decide not to interfere cause Saruman did no harm to them. But when Treebeard sees the destruction of his trees he gets angry and then they attack. This is a needless change, cause I think the ents would know when someone was destroying their forrests wouldn’t they? They’re tree sheppards for crying out loud. Also when Merry & Pippin enter the forrest it looks more like the swamp on Dagobah.
Haldir is really prolonging his death scene
Ok for dramatation purposes, but hell…
The mumakil (elephant) looks awesome.
I guess there’s much more I can say about it, but nothing comes to mind.
All in all, it’s an entertaining movie. Not quite as good as the first cause there’s more differences (the 3rd will have even more no doubt) which are not always to the better. Maybe this is also because I have read the book and the people who are introduced to the world of Middle Earth will have no problems with this.