Love Parade 2010 - Duisburg

I was at the entry of the tunnel and the police have closed to both sides …
21 people actually died, many are injured …


?! o_O

oh man. :(

I don’t know what to say, I always worry about such disasters when I’m at really big events with massive crowds. 19 deaths, this is terrible.

Over one million people and the only entrance to the festival area is through a tunnel? What the hell were the organizers thinking?


I was shocked when I first heard about this yesterday. I’ve been in similar situations, but fortunately there was no panic back then.

The organisation should be ashamed of theirselfs. They have blood on their hands of 19 (!!!) people. Not to mention those hundreds being (severely) injured. I sincerely hope they will go to jail, and will never organise ANY party again.

There are NO excuses for this. While they were planning this thing, they must have known one entrance/exit is not enough for a million people. Normal partygoers even warned them about it! Not to mention everything was closed off! How far must one go before they take any action?

It all boils down to one thing, money money money. It disgusts me!

I’m happy we don’t have festivals much bigger than 60.000 people here in Holland. And even then, it gets a bit too crowded sometimes. I can’t imagine what the visitors of Love Parade must’ve gone through. It’s just horrific.

In the press (tagesschau) was this message from the organisator (Rainer Schaller):

"Der Veranstalter der Loveparade, Rainer Schaller, verkündete das Aus der Technoparade. “Worte reichen nicht aus, um das Maß meiner Erschütterung zu erklären”, sagte er. “Mir ist alles daran gelegen, die Geschehnisse vollständig aufzuklären.”

This seems to be the end of this event series …


yep its official there will be no more love parade,but man the organizers really crapped this one up

What about the numerous disarters happening at sport events, especially soccer. Did they kill the sport?

250.000 people allowed, 1.400.000 visitors…
…not incredibly shocking things got out of hand.

really sad …

LP has nothing to do with duisburg.
the last real loveparade was 2000 (and only in berlin). RIP.

and this one was called officially “love and ruhr”.
there is no parade anymore its just a festival.

its really sad. such a bad end.