just updated to 15.2 and i guess it forgot the full disk access/files access.
when i input renoise into the full disk access, it doesnt change.
just updated to 15.2 and i guess it forgot the full disk access/files access.
when i input renoise into the full disk access, it doesnt change.
Do you mean 15.3? Maybe next time do not install early bird Apple updates…
have you tried restarting renoise after you give it full disk access
why do you need full disk access? I can do everything with it disabled, I have 15.3, I just tried enabling it, it restarts and I don’t see a difference.
Apropos: I got a report from a macOS 15 user that resizing the window does not work. It produces strange graphical artefacts. Not really surprising, as almost every new macOS update breaks something here in Renoise, but I have not been able to replicate this yet and have limited access to machines running macOS 15.
Does anyone else have a similar problem?
Not experiencing any problems with Renoise 3.4.4 (arm64) on macOS 15.3.
i have macOS 15.2 running and no issues.
I noticed that right after updating to 15.3 but I always expect weird shenanigans between updates, honestly every app runs a little janky for a while because spotlight indexing and other stuff and then it’s all good, no issues since.
Just updated from 15.1 to 15.3 on Mini m4 and don’t have any issue with Renoise 3.4.4 and it doesn’t even have Full Disk Access.
upgraded to 15.3.
no issues with loading samples