It’s bassically like renoise fx chain but with the added abiliy to define zones , and then crossfade between zones with a pointer
In renoise when we assign multiple samples to a different fx lane , 1 macro controller can be used to define a minimum and maximum amount for eacht lane’s output/gain controller , but it doesn’t let you define a specific zone because it’s only uses linear /log/exp scaling .
The solution might be to define a macro mapping parameter in percentage .
Of course the minimum /maximum value is still used , but this is then relative to the percentage
Example macro 1 :
mapping 1 : 0 %---->24 % … the macro min /max value only works within the pertentage range, outside the range = mute
mapping 2 25%---->50% idem
mapping 3: 51 %---->75 % idem
mapping 4 76%---->100%
This way we can use the macro as a scanner , added bonus would be a crossfade setting .
Think about it , with just 1 macr controller , muliptle samples /mappings and gain controllers we could do some crazy crossfading /vector synthesis .
Hmmmm , maybe it needs some more food for thought , not sure this would work …
Not that I’m against moar, but your example above sounds pretty smooth to my ears already!
Yes but that example is using an X-Y controller to crossfade between waves ( xy controls 2 macros ) , the macros control the volume operandi which is much smoother
The stepper gives more possibilities but it highest resolution is 256 steps , this resolution defines the smoothness of the amp scaling