Making Breakcore?

I have been listening to a lot of breakcore and I really enjoy the genre. However, whenever I try to make it, I end up going overboard with the crazy break chopping and it becomes more just spastic noise rather than music. How do you make more melodic breaks or keep your drums from getting out of hand?

whenever I try to make it… it becomes more just spastic noise rather than music.

Yep, i see no problem here, yo doing everything right man, this is what breakcore is about!

some mine tips of my past breakcore carieer:

use amen break

if you use other junglish breaks, layer every hit with amen break

if you have a good speed 220+ bpm use short drum hits, make them snappy AF and put distortion on break to get it more dynamic

basically use distortion for everything, filtering, compressing, mastering, distortion makes everything sound better

i hope this will be handy tips for you if your track still sounds like justin biebers farts, then just drop a GABBA KICKS!

listen to buddy rich. think like a musican and not a ‘producer’.

I have been listening to a lot of breakcore and I really enjoy the genre. However, whenever I try to make it, I end up going overboard with the crazy break chopping and it becomes more just spastic noise rather than music. How do you make more melodic breaks or keep your drums from getting out of hand?

i have bin trying for YEARS to figure out how to make my breakcore sound even CLOSE to what you have here, to be honest it makes me f-ing FURIOUS that i can’t figure it out, to the point where i’m seriously thinking about uninstalling renoise and giving away my licences. I got renoise for the EXPRESS SUPERPOSE of learning to make actually listenable breakcore, not by anyone else standards… but simply my own, you know something i could be even slightly proud of LOL. but after YEARS of trying to figure out how to do more than just create variations of the same damn amen break… i’m at the end of my rope with this goal. How in the good lords name do you create such smooth sounding snare rushes and pitch shifts without your BPM’s sounding all fuxt up if you use the sample effects commands??? I’m so done with trying to figure it out on my own i am willing to seriously pay someone what ever they asked tyo SHOW ME EXACTLY how i should be doing this,. I don’t need any help with the creation of a track per say… my issue is with the drums in particular… how in the hell do you make them sound… well… LIKE THAT???

Making breakcore is no different from making any other form of music, so just practice more. Reading some music theory books or learning a real instrument will help as well.

I find it helpful to think of drum production like a solo. So every 4 bars/patttern (depending on time signature/ how I feel) I like to start with a new rhythmic/melodic idea with the drums and generally mutate and change it over the next set of bars. Then start a new idea.

Think about the pacing of your song too. Is it a short banger that needs glitched out, in your face drums all the time, or a more evolving piece that would benefit from having different intensities of drums over different movements. I’ve just started with Breakcore too and I’ve found a useful exercise is to break down other artists’ tracks and track the different movements, when they use really simple clean rhythms with plenty space and when the glitchy destruction takes over.

lots of stuff in my blog about producing breakcore / crossbreed

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