I may just not know how to do this, but I’m having a real bitch of a time mapping an external XY controller (two CCs) to separate parameters in Renoise. Instead of just letting me explicitly say that i want CC16 to be mapped to param 1 and CC17 to be mapepd to param 2, I’m forced(?) to allow both multiple params be mapped to the same CCs, and then just cludge it by selecting each param and jigging the pad until the dice roll ends up on the CC i want.
I’d much like if a more manual method was available for mapping, though i do realize this is a relatively special case. It just struck me as an odd omission.
I have an XY pad too, and it’s reasonably easy to trigger only one axis when you slide your finger along the edge of the trackpad area. IMHO, this is no reason to introduce an “advanced” mode for MIDI mappings.
If you really want advanced, try exporting the mappings as a file and edit it manually?
I’m not quite sure how you imagined it, but this is what I saw in my head. At the moment Renoise just displays the channel and CC number in this dialog, but replacing that with a couple of dropdowns shouldn’t be too much of a big deal should it?
You’re right, this is not a bad solution. As long as the primary workflow is “open MIDI mapping dialog, click somewhere in Renoise, turn a knob”, I’m happy. A little bit more complexity probably won’t hurt as long as it’s otherwise that simple…
Dunno how your XY pad works, but mine (Korg Z1) transmits both CCs the instant you touch it, no matter where.
I don’t think we need an “advanced” mode, just the ability to go in the midi mappings list and add a CC number by number.
I know it’s a special case, but it felt really… Odd… Not to have that very basic ability when i needed it. It felt like an oversight. Sunjammer hates oversights!!!111!