Is there any conceivable way to map my laptop’s alphanumeric keyboard keys to toggle effect parameters between values, or to toggle effects on and off? I’ve got an upcoming live show, and I was really hoping to make this happen so I can FSU uber-fast. If anyone has any ideas how I can pull this off, plz lemme know before the 19th!!!
U cant map anything to toggling effect on and off, too bad . But for other stuff u can use (with beta 2.7) midi yoke or something plus lfo and formula device(i used formula for switching betwen four states with 2 buttons)
midi controllers get cheaper by the minute, does it absolutely have to be a numeric keyboard?
It’s a style!
I think midiyoke should do the trick yeah…
But I’ll never go to the stage with beta renoise… but, there was some nice “keyboard to midi” program… Byte should google!
puredata and osc will do it for you, but i think PD would have to be in focus while using it.
First run renoise and switch OSC on with port 8000.
then run puredata and open the above file. it should automaticly connect.
the “1” and “2” keys (top of keyboard) will switch the first device of the first track on and off.(but only when puredata is in focus.(im on a laptop and dont have a numpad, sorry))
If you look in puredata’s console it will give you the keycode of any key you press.,so,find what key you want to use and make a note of that number. then, go into edit mode in puredata by pressing “cntrl+e”, click on the box that says “route” and add that number to the end(with a space between numbers). A new “outlet” will appear at the the bottom of that box. Then add a “bang” box by going to the “put” menu and selecting “bang”. while still in edit-mode connect the outlet that appeared to the bang. then “put” a “message box” on the canvas in the same way and connect this to the “bang”, and connect the message’s outlet to “sendOSC”. If you look at the other message boxes you will see what you have to type in the message box, and just change the track and device indexes to suit your setup.
this could be improved as at the mo you need two keys to switch between bypass and on. but i have to go through my other puredata save files to see how i set toggling with the one button before.
hope this helps and i explained it well enough, but as PD has to be in focus its probably no use.
well ive just worked it out and here is the new one which will toggle the on/off state of the first tracks first device with just the “1” key.
while in puredata edit mode you can select multiple boxes and the usual cntl-c and cntr-v will copy and paste. just dont forget to change track and device indexes and connect them.
Any MIDI Mappable buttons in Renoise can be easily set up for QWERTY keyboard control using Bidule.
To do this open the HID Extractor in Bidule (found under Misc. in the right-click menu).
Then connect the HID Extractor to a Note Latch (found under MIDI in the right-click menu).
Lastly, connect the Note Latch to a virtual MIDI Out of some description (found under MIDI Devices in the right-click menu).
- In Mac OSX you could connect it to Renoise MIDI-In or one of 4 Bidule MIDI outs.
- In Windows you may need MIDI Yoke.
Now providing you’ve selected the same virtual MIDI In Device under Renoise Preferences, any key stroke you make will be detected as MIDI info coming in to Renoise.
As an addition to the above recipe, you can add a Note Filter to the chain (found under MIDI -> Filters in the right-click menu).
Using this you can filter the MIDI notes coming from the HID Extractor to allow only the keys you want to effect Renoise to come through.
Also, Bidule does not need to be in focus for this to work.
Could you use an empty instrument and the key tracking device? you can maybe use that hidden arithmetic device (can’t remember what it’s called) to get a schema to map input to output values of your choice… No need for PD or external software, no worries about midi signing…
I have used keytracker with filters and synced delay in this way. This was also a good way to get around having delay resolution for automation before 2.7.
"plz lemme know before the 19th!!! "
Oops! hope you worked something out
hhmmm, i dont think you can midi map to turn devices on and off, but you could use it to setup a crossfade or to manipulate the wet and dry if the effect has them.