Hey while im learning RenoiseTracker i fiund 3 feature-requests maybe useful. What do you think:
1- Markers:
When making rythmic melodies it would be great to have a kind of self-programmed “color pattern overlays” what marks the position for our notes.
A self made color pattern could be choosen from a “presets-list” and would overlay all tracks and mark the position where we add out notes. Switchable on/off of course.
2- Colors:
I mean it would be helpful to see colored effects in the mixer. In example: When i use the signal follower and the gainer for sidechaining the signalfollower could have the color of the track of the assigned gainer. Easier to find things in the mixer.
3- Detached mixer:
Is it possible to detach the mixer to move it to a 2nd monitor?
Maybe this is a personal workflow- but i often switch between tracker and mixer. Having them splitted to 2 monitors would be great.
Maybe somethings are possible yet and i just dont know ?