Maybe command , Mutually exclusive mode

When in mutually exclusive mode on the global effects , then it doesn’t really matter what the value is of the individual maybe command per note , correct (as long as it’s not zero ) ?.
First screenshot shows maybe value of Y8 for each note lane .
Second screenshot shows YF , results are the same

It does matter in how the values relate to each other. In your examples both of the values are equal, so there’s always a 50% chance. If you used YF and Y8 then they would have a 2/3 and 1/3 chance of triggering.

@gentleclockdivider In your opinion, what behavior would you feel is correct?
Should the user have to check if Yxx totals 16 or not? And then ignore or error if it strays from that?
I feel that comparing values relative to each other is a flexible operation and makes sense.

I see , makes sense

But as long as both values are equal , the value does not matter except when both are Y00

I see no problem with it, but how do you feel it should be done?