Med Soundstudio File Support

Will this ever happen?

maybe we should collect the votes for the implementation of MMDx … the questions about won’t stop … i hope the devs come to realize that’s important (but i know there are really more important things within the Renoise development) …

but if the new rns-format and description is available i will start coding a little song translation tool (but without sample/synth-sound support) only notes and song structure (maybe midi-instrument settings too) …

Maybe I can help out some here, if you’d like. Sounds like a rather fun project. :) Although I don’t have much use of it myself since my old MMDs are mostly MIDI for hardware I’ve sold. Anyway, what language/environment are you using?

That would be superb! :)

I’d be pretty into .med support.

i have worked years with med and tons of songs - real published ones too - are on my hd … with the current possibilities of converting (MED2XM, ModPlug) i’m unable to work with the songs again in a fast way …

so i will try a tool - name it fun project … if i get all note-data (including the MED-hold’s>Renoise-Note-Off’s) into Renoise i’m happy …

but i’m unable to code in C/C++ … PHP is more my “code country” … but if the next RNS is XML ;) ?!?!?

or i try a basic compiler (PureBasic) … why not!?

Alex, let’s wait for the XML format first and then we can start discussing it. I can code it in C++, but I guess it doesn’t matter that much which language is used…

ok Johan B)

Oooh! Can’t wait!

MIDI sysex would be useful for the MED+MIDI conversion to be worthwhile IMO, but I guess I could use an external proggy to do this. Looks like I’ll be recomissioning my Amiga :rolleyes:

Maybe it’s possible to produce sysex files from an MMD and trigger them from Renoise somehow. Maybe MIDIOX can do this? I’ll have a look at it…

edit: checked out MIDIOX and it seems to have quite a lot of possibilities. For example it send a sysex string when a certain note event is triggered from a certain port and channel. But that string is limited to 1022 bytes, which shouldn’t be a big problem in most cases though. And its also possible to load/save a complete mapping set. So one idea is to create such a file from an MMD and load it up in MIDIOX before you play the song.