Microphone Buffer Issues(?)

using the recording for vocals quite a bit now; nice mostly.

However i recently bought a dynamic USB mic that’s been giving me some trouble in renoise. Specifically, over time, latency increases quite a bit, until i go into settings and choose none for input device, then choose the mic again, at which point it works for a while until i have to repeat.

Is there some other way around this? Super crazy frustrating

what usb mic did you buy?

Rode podcaster

I think this is something inherent in USB mics. I have a Samson er… I forget the number… anyway it does that in Logic on my Mac, and on PC programs as well. A PITA for sure.

In Logic I just drag the audio by trial and error until it “sounds right”. I have a regular mic (Shure SM58) but I hate hooking it all up… It of course has no such problems, but I have to have a preamp…etc…