MIDI: can there be view-specific midi mappings?

hi is it possible to have a midi knob or a button or a slider set up that does something in Sample Editor, and something else in Pattern Editor?

i.e. “read state, do something”?

cos i try to map something in sample editor and then go to mixer, and map something else, then when i move the midi knob, it only talks to mixer, i.e. it is overwriting, not augmenting.

it would be pretty amazing to have midimappings that work specifically in sample editor, and have the same midimapping do something else in pattern editor.

Should be possible using MIDI-CI; with a MIDI 2.0 controller and DAW.

im not sure i understand. i wanted Renoise to be able to do it and wondered how. i.e. if i have 8 pads on a controller, and i want to control 8 different things in sample editor, pattern editor, mixer… instrument box…

and not change any settings inside the controller itself (like different groups) - just have logic go “oh you’re in sample editor → these pads now do these 8 things.”

Simple… wait for Renoise to be MIDI 2.0 compliant and use a MIDI 2.0 controller (already out).
See MIDI 2.0 provides the two-way communications that would suit your feature creep.

MIDI 2 and MIDI-CI is here, just needs programmers to care.

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ok sounds like i gotta create a script myself for this.

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Nod, good to hear, not sure if it can be done at api level, perhaps!

There must be a data structure maintaining the controller CC# to Function Callback mappings.
If one could wrap some of the Main GUI bindings involved with switching views…
Then that mapping data could perhaps be munged.

Still, really hope we get MIDI 2.0!

well i did think of an api level solution. but the thing is that i’d need to provide something that does something very specific while in pattern editor, something else in sample editor, and something else elsewhere. it can definitely be done. but the “offer configurability to the user” part of this is what needs real thinking. i’d need to dynamically create a script for the user. i.e. "i want this midimapping to, in sample editor, do x, in pattern editor do y, in mixer, do z, in sample fx chain, do å in modulation matrix do ä in pattern matrix do ö

i think i can pull the “preset multi-view-midi-mappings” thing off without much bother, but people aren’t necessarily gonna think the way i do about it.

i’ll have to think about it a lot.

i really love how the keybinds work, being either global, or context/section-specific. i was hoping midimapping would be the same.