Midi Controller

i’m looking for a midi controller with lot of knob & stuff, something like the oxygen 8 but without the keyboard and only sliders, knobs, etc since i find that using my keyboard for notes is good enough.

anyone got suggestions ?

do you think it’s a good idea ? i’ve read people bouth oxygen 8 but never use it except for the knobs… so :)

You’re looking for a MIDI box

yeh a midi surface controller as they put it :)

any suggestion ? (i only have a pc & renoise + vst)

novation sl zero? Nice selection of knobs, and has displays so you know what you’re altering.

or for a cheaper option, the behringer bcr-2000 and bcf-2000 are pretty good.

Oh, and as for whether it’s a good idea, I’d say definitely yes.

I currently have a bcr-2000 and a novation sl25, and they both get plenty of use. I have a default song set up in renoise which i use as a template for all my tracks now. Basically, i set up some basic effects, such as EQ, hi & lo pass filters, noise gate, compressor, pan, volume & sends on a track. I repeat this over ten tracks (my songs tend to stay under 10 tracks usually, only a couple of exceptions) and then map the bcr’s knobs to all the controls. I map all the controls on track 1 to preset number 1 on the bcr-2000, using midi channel 2, then all the controls from track 2 to preset 2 using midi channel 3, and so on until i have tracks 1 - 10 mapped to presets 1-10 on the controller. This gives me instant access to all the basic kinds of effects that you need when working on songs, and just streamlines things a bit. I have a nice card template overlay made up for the bcr, so it’s easy to see what is what, and as the only thing that changes is the channel number there’s no need to swap overlays.

Oh, and as you’ll have noticed, I keep midi channel 1 clear in the above set up, so that I can use my SL25 for controlling vsti’s as usual. I’ve found it’s really helped, and cut down on the amount of time spent messing around with adding in basic effects and mapping controls. It’s nice having that stuff there as standard too, so if you want to be a bit more experimental, the knobs are all set up and ready to play with.

Anyway, hope that gives you some ideas!


bovaflux, I also own a BCR2000 and would love to have a setup song like yours. Unfortunately, my song designs are completely different from one to another. I’ve tried to set up some instruments+DSP templates such as “jazz.rns”, “progressiverock.rns” and so on, but I didn’t use them really.

Apart from that, I suggest BCR2000 as a good-n-cheap solution

that’s exactly what i bought myself, a BCR2000 :)

Well the set up i have is really just the basic effects, eq, compression, etc, just on each track, and mapped to each preset on the bcr. I don’t have any instruments saved in the preset, it’s just a blank workspace except for the effects, so it applies to whatever kind of track i make. My basic aim was to just try and emulate a big expensive mixer, where you get your channel strip with a bunch of standard effects. I can see how saving midi mapping info on instruments would be good though, save having to add in track effects to automate vsti parameters… If only that could be tied into the RNI, rather than the track info, but i guess that’s a bit of a fundamental design decision with renoise.

(I do wish renoise supported midi parameter feedback though, so the lights on the bcr would change to reflect what’s happening as a song plays… :) )
