Hi. I have created a valuebox that returns a value within the following range: -12 to +12
Through the midi_mapping of the vaulebox I have done the following:
rnt:add_midi_mapping {
name = "Tools:PhraseTouch:Panel_1:Transpose:Transpose Valuebox",
invoke = function( message )
if message:is_abs_value() then
vws["PHT_VAL_TRANS_1"].value = math.min( 12, math.max( message.int_value - 12, -12 ) )
math.min( 12, math.max( message.int_value - 12, -12 ) ) returnreturns the correct range, which is exactly this:
-12, -11 ... -2, -1, 00, 01, 02 ... +11, +12
The problem is that I can not return the correct range to fit the range of a rotating wheel, which is from 0 to 127. "0 to 127"corresponds to the value of “message.int_value”.
Ok,I have tried to do the following:
math.min( 12, math.max( (message.int_value/(128/25) -12 ), -12 ) )
rnt:add_midi_mapping {
name = "Tools:PhraseTouch:Panel_1:Transpose:Transpose Valuebox",
invoke = function( message )
if message:is_abs_value() then
vws["PHT_VAL_TRANS_1"].value = math.min( 12, math.max( message.int_value/(128/25) - 12, -12 ) )
…but this returns the next range:
-12, -11 ... -2, -1, -0, 00, 01, 02 ... +11, +12
The operation also returns a " -0" a value that should not be.If you change the divisor to any other number, there always appears a 0 that should not be, -0 or +0, but should only return a “0” (neither negative nor positive).
Is there a different way to achieve this correctly?The intention is that the rotating wheel turns completely ( -12 left, 0 up center, +12 right).
To be exact, this is the complete range that I want to return:
-12, -11, -10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12
Note:I also use tostring and tonumber to adjust the values of the valuebox. But the problem is in the message.int_value of the midi_mapping