Midi Keyboard And Vocoder

is there a way to connect a midi keyboard to the instrument editor? i don’t have one yet, but if yes, i would strongly consider buying one.

and is there something like a vocoder plugin for renoise? i can’t find any properly working vocoder software for mac :(
is there a good way to simulate a real vocoder with software and a midi keyboard?

sorry if the questions seem stupid, i don’t know too much about electronic music yet

Welcome to renoise. :D

You can use a midi keyboard with renoise. You can play an instrument, and you can of course record what you play in the pattern editor as well.

There is no built in vocoder plug-in in renoise.
There are some external vocoder plug-ins, but I don’t know much about them. I’ve never used one of them (and I don’t have a mac. I am a linux user)


MDA Talkbox should be available on mac.

vocoders for the mac:

somehow I can’t get this link to work! Just search here for vocoders on the mac: http://www.kvraudio.com/get.php

and can i combine that vocoder with the midi keyboard?

thanks for the answers

i cant get that mda talkbox to work…
its just a folder full of files, but my mac wont start any of them…is it maybe a plugin for another program?

i’ve tested some other software vocoders from that site, but they all just merge a voice file with a carrier file. im looking for a live vocoder.

i using vocoder in live sessins and gigs
sory but without aditionals tools in renoise by itself yuo cant vocoding with keybord. with some tools it is posible.

yuoll need bidule , virtual midi forwarding port-for ex. loopbe, and

are any of these freeware and run on mac?

is there any program that emulates real vocoder on the computer? i want to plug the keyboard and a microphone into the computer and then sing/talk into to mic and vocode it live?
i have no use for software that is merging a voice and a carrier .wav file into each other, it should be merged directly, just with software instead of a real (superexpensive) vocoder.

is that possible? anyone got experiences with that?