Midi-mapped BPM automation recording not functional

Hi All,

Trying to record BPM automation via midi mapping is not functioning. Recording is armed, but no values are being recorded.

I want a (non-linearly) changing bpm across multiple patterns… slower, faster, staggering around drunk, you know?

Is this something renoise can do without tedious editing?

I’m not sure why this isn’t working.

Any help is much appreciated!

have you tried the Paketti Automation setup for automating BPM & LPB?

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I have not, but this seems like something that should be working without tools

Just drew in the automation after all

I’ve never tried automating outside of drawing in an envelope in the master track automation lane, but perhaps you can figure something out using the lfo set to ‘Mixer & Transport’ in the Mst track and then midi map the amplitude with a custom one shot point to a midi controller knob?

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oh, you are a smart one @Jonas!

So, yes, an lfo pointed to the mixer and transport, BPM in the master track will allow for midi-mappable automation recording.

I used a custom lfo ramp with start and end values close to my desired bpms, -inf lpc; then pointed a hydra at the lfo reset and that can be mapped and recorded

Thank you for the good idea!

:star2:You can also just use a hydra directly, and set the dest min/max accordingly. no need for the LFO even :+1:

feel kinda silly in retrospect, not thinking to use a device to do it

and with the hydra:

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No problem! :sunglasses:

(Imo this is quite a workaround for mixer and transport parameters that are already visible in the automation editor on the master track. Perhaps these (bpm & lpb) parameters could also be made visible as sliders in the master track dsp channel (next to the global groove sliders)? So right mouse clicking and/or midi mapping them will record the values as pattern commands in the pattern editor or as points in the automation editor)).

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the change i made was i limited it to not be 20-999 but instead 20-300, and not be lpb 0-256 but instead 1-32. feels like it’s easier like that.
yes, min+max cap values for automation per song, natively in renoise would be good. but i’m sure there’s bigger fish to fry

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