Midi mapping: delete, note off, copy, paste?

Hi! New to renoise, scripting, etc. I’ve been trying to edit notes in renoise solely using a midi controller. I recently found a code that adds the arrow key functionality to the midi mapper.
– Navigation:Pattern Rows

add_action(“Navigation:Columns:Jump To First Quarter Row [Trigger]”,
if message:is_trigger() then
song().selected_line_index = 1

add_action(“Navigation:Columns:Jump To Second Quarter Row [Trigger]”,
if message:is_trigger() then
song().selected_line_index = 1 + song().selected_pattern.number_of_lines/4*1

add_action(“Navigation:Columns:Jump To Third Quarter Row [Trigger]”,
if message:is_trigger() then
song().selected_line_index = 1 + song().selected_pattern.number_of_lines/4*2

I was wondering if anyone had a script for deleting, adding a note off, pasting, copying? Maybe even highlighting? I may just have to look into it myself but learning to script for something seemingly simple can be very daunting!

I also wanted to note I got some great functionality using bomes midi with ableton! But I guess renoise just really doesn’t like those midi translators for some reason, very frustrating!

Thanks for any help!

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I am currently looking for a way to map a controller button to enter a “note off” and “skip step”(del button) when step sequencing.
As these seem to only exist as keyboard command, it looks like the MIDI mapper is not able to catch these.

Or am I missing something?