I’m a huge fan of hardware synthesizers. I love playing them, I love tweaking knobs, I love even taking them to bed and making patches at night before i fall asleep. So naturally I would like to use hardware with Renoise.
I’ve been doing this for a while now, but something has always bothered me; How on earth can i get anything resembling a precise arpeggio out of external MIDI gear?
Sandboxed, the Waldorf Blofeld through its own USB MIDI, Renoise broadcasting clock and every box checked. Triggering an arp on the first line; The Blofeld takes a couple of pattern loops before it gets the tempo right-ish. Even then, occational stutters as the note repeats. So I think alright, fuck that. I’ll just play the arp manually with Renoise sequencing it. Nightmare. I’m known to be absolutely anal about timing, but this can’t just be me. Note accuracy is OBVIOUSLY off, giving the arp a kind of jumpy feel which i am absolutely not after.
This does not occur in Ableton Live 7; In Live, every note is hit perfectly. I’ve tested with the Nord Modular G2, Korg Z1, Korg R3 and Waldorf Blofeld.
I’ve tried various configurations of this, and Renoise (latest version) stands out as utterly botching MIDI precision time and time again. What is going on? My initial guess is that it’s something to do with how Renoise dispatches note-offs…? Hell if I know.
Or is this just some “MIDI shit” that I just have to get used to dealing with. Not inspiring, shall we say.