Hi everyone,
I used Renoise about 15 years ago and have some experience with tracking modules, but I recently purchased Renoise and want to dive back into making music - this time using some external (and analog) gear. While setting things up, I ran into an issue with MIDI presets not being recalled properly after reloading a project.
I’m using an external hardware MIDI box that has a lot of MIDI in and MIDI out channels. I don’t think this is the issue, since everything works fine while setting up and playing notes - Renoise is clearly sending and receiving MIDI messages correctly during creation.
The problem occurs after saving and reopening the project. For example, if I set an instrument to MIDI Channel 4 and configure the MIDI Transmit settings with Bank 1 and Preset 21, the preset doesn’t play correctly upon reloading. The MIDI channel appears correct, but the preset isn’t properly recalled.
Through some experimentation, I found that if I manually adjust the preset - by clicking the back arrow (changing it to 20) and then forward again (back to 21) - it suddenly works. This suggests that Renoise isn’t correctly sending the preset change upon loading the project, but manually adjusting it forces the correct preset to be sent.
Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a workaround to ensure Renoise properly sends the correct preset upon project load?
Thanks in advance for any insights!